  • 學位論文


指導教授 : 凌永健


國際現行的採樣標準方法,多用需外加能源及人為控制的主動式採樣方法,然而主動式採集樣品分析結果只代表特定時間內之污染物組成和濃度,為瞬時濃度值,無法呈現出一般的污染情形,必須提高採樣的時間長度和頻率才有可能釐清,對於超微量污染物則需加長採樣時間至採集儀器足以偵測的濃度,導致工作量大且花費不貲,而被動式採樣裝置(PAD)不需用外加能源及人為控制,可以進行大地區長時間採樣,採樣之時間和空間解析度佳,檢測結果與生物毒性關聯性佳,國際間相關研究及應用與日俱增。 本研究開發新的風速統計方式,用以定量風速影響,得到風速校正因子,成功校正泡棉盤(PUF disk)被動式空氣採樣器(PAS)採樣速率,在高風速時(> 4 m/s)使用PAS測得之類戴奧辛化合物(DCLs)濃度及趨勢與主動式空氣採樣器(AAS)類似,同時使用階層式集群分析法(HCA)顯示PUF disk PAS得到之周界空氣DCLs同源物組成特性與AAS相似,並成功用於實際監測與釐清可能污染來源,結果顯示台灣的代表高污染潛勢地區主要汙染來源類別為小型焚化爐、輔助燃料(木削為主)和二次銅/鐵冶煉製程;東南亞的代表地區主要為交通廢氣和火耕行為貢獻,且其濃度較低,屬於背景值範圍。 擴散梯度薄膜(DGT),使用擴散膠將吸附樹脂與溶液分隔,擴散膠可作質傳的擴散控制,可藉採樣天數和擴散係數獲得金屬物種的估算濃度。本研究的模擬實驗建立Mn、Ni、Cu、In、Cd、Ga、Ba和Pb等之擴散速率,DGT用於實際監測河川水和湖水等自然水體,歸納出DGT能測得Mn、Ni和Cu與主動式方法類似的濃度結果;In、Cd、Ga、Ba、Pb、Cr、Fe、Mo、Ag、As、Se和Sb會因形成物種使濃度有差異,但能反映濃度級數和趨勢。


The standard sampling methods usually require external power and controller. The methods usually collected a small amount of discrete samples which were subsequently analyzed using standard methods. If the data meet the requirements of quality control and quality assurance, we can identify law-violating contaminating source in due time. However, the data can’t represent the normal pollution situation. For contaminant concentration varying with time, we need to prolong sampling time and increase sampling frequency to assist identifying the contaminating source at the price of heavier workload and higher expense. Similar problems are encountered when analyzing ultratrace contaminants, bioaccumulating and bioavailable toxic substances. Passive accumulation devices (PAD) are free of external power and human intervention. Polyurethane foam (PUF) disk passive air sampler (PAS) has been successfully applied to persistent organic pollutants (POPs) in air. This study we successfully quantified the wind effect by monitoring and classifying wind speeds into ranges. Our calculated concentrations of dioxin-like compounds for PUF disk PAS samples approach those determined by active air sampling (AAS) methods. The hierarchical cluster analysis (HCA) indicated the PUF disk PAS can determine congener profiles of PCDD/Fs in ambient air. We also clarified the kind of dioxin pollution sources in monitoring area: They are small incinerator, auxiliary fuel (wood shavings) and secondary copper/iron smelters at industrial area in Taiwan; traffic exhaust gas and outdoor burning at Southeast Asia with background level concentration. Diffusion Gradients in Thin-film (DGT) use diffusive gel to separate the resin layer from bulk solution. The metal ions diffusing through the diffusive gel, the diffusion coefficient in the gel and sampling tine could calculate labile metal ion concentration. We established diffusion coefficient of metal like Mn, Ni, Cu, In, Cd, Ga, Ba and Pb. About application to natural water like river and lake, DGT could calculate the labile Mn, Ni and Cu concentration approach those determined by active methods; the concentration grade and trend of Cd, Ga, Ba, Pb, Cr, Fe, Mo, Ag, As, Se and Sb.




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