  • 學位論文


Steady State Heat Transfer Simulation for Temperature Distribution of Capillary Pumped Loop with Dual Core Evaporators

指導教授 : 林唯耕


毛細泵吸環路(Capillary Pumped Loop, CPL)為無須外能而自然運作高效率之兩相流熱傳裝置,從太空應用到高功電子構裝已被研究與利用。隨著微處理器效能的不斷發展,不但其現有體積越來越小,然而單位面積的發熱量卻節節攀升,如今雙核心CPU已成為普遍個人電腦(Personal Computer, PC)的邏輯處理運作模式,因此必須要有好散熱元件的幫助,同時勢必要有更良好的傳熱原件,最傳統的方法是使用各種製程的散熱鰭片,搭配上各種形式且低成本的熱管,但受到熱管中毛細結構的影響,與其空間幾何限制,熱管已逐漸不敷使用,轉而使用其他兩相傳熱裝置,例如CPL與環路式熱管(Loop Heat Pipe, LHP)。 本論文目的在研究雙熱源核心蒸發部之CPL的溫度分佈,有助CPL工業發展;提供一套理論模式並寫成軟體,能夠快速並準確的預測雙熱源CPL的溫度,並且利用實驗驗證並修正參數與理論模式,進而幫助雙熱源CPL的設計,在製造前可提供做為參考,改善傳統需要製造後才可得到CPL熱阻值與性能的缺點,本論文已發展出穩態軸向傳熱方法,可預測雙核CPL部件溫度。依據本理論模型,理論值與實驗值已得一致性,且其模擬溫度的趨勢是合理的,模擬結果與實驗值的偏差在輸入熱功率為190瓦時為10%內,然而在低於150瓦時,亦即80、100、130與150瓦時,偏差在5%以內。 本論文的實驗和模擬之結果與模式,亦可延伸應用至熱傳機制相似,但熱傳模式更為複雜的均溫板(Vapor Chamber)。再者,本論文的結果,除了應用至資訊產業以外,亦可應用至目前炙手可熱的太陽光電板、太陽熱能發電、LED、LED照明與LED相關之綠能產業,解決熱管理問題,以提升能源效率與延長其壽命。


A Capillary Pumped Loop (CPL) is a two-phase heat transfer device with high efficiency. It does not need any external energy or other mechanical force such as pumping force. A CPL has been widely utilized to perform the thermal management for high power electronic components such as in spacecrafts, notebooks and computer servers. This research aimed to study the simulation method of the temperature distribution of the CPL with dual core evaporators. A steady-state axial heat transfer method was developed to predict the temperatures of the pipelines. The temperatures of the segments of the CPL could be reckoned from the theoretical model. A good agreement between the simulation results and experimental values was achieved. The Temperatures would increase with increment of the applied heat load. The maximum error between the experimental data and simulation results for evaporator temperatures of the CPL with dual core evaporators was within 10% at 190 watts heat input, but the error is lower within 5% with decreasing of the heat load, when it is less than 150 watts, namely 80 watts, 100 watts, 130 watts and 150 watts. In this study, the simulation results can be used for the new application of the design and simulation of Vapor Chambers (VCs) for the similar heat transfer mechanism with the heat transfer models to be more complex expanded as two dimensional or three dimensional models. In addition, the simulation results and experimental data are very good and consistent, and they would be very useful for further applications in the industries of green technology of solar cells, photovoltaic modules by solar energy, and solar thermal energy for electric power generation, LEDs, LED lighting and LED related industries.


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