  • 學位論文


peration Predicament and Optimal Solution of Local Sports Brands in Taiwan:A Case Study of IMBC

指導教授 : 林博文


近年全台各地吹起一陣運動旋風。不分地區、不分男女、不分運動種類,全民瘋運動的熱潮隨處可見。運動意願的提升相對的就是運動性商品的消費意願的提升。而藉由這股力量應運而生的就是各種不同類型的台灣本土運動品牌,例如DAVILLAGE籃球部落、GDB、玩大學及IMBC等等。這些本土品牌在沒有雄厚背景、時間淬鍊的情況下,即試圖在運動品牌市場上搶占份額。然而即使眾多本土品牌加入競爭行列,在運動品牌市場裡獨占鰲頭的仍是大型國際運動品牌NIKE和ADIDAS。 本研究透過參與觀察法及訪談法等研究方法,試圖從外部及內部同時觀察IMBC這家本土運動品牌,在創業初期、營運及品牌形塑的過程中,碰到的資金籌措、核心團隊及營運決策的困難。透過因果關係圖的歸納,將不同的發現收斂、重組,歸納出一系列有因可循的問題點。針對這些問題點,透過次級資料的蒐集及其他同類型個案的分析,進而建議IMBC能在營運決策上由多角化經營改變成集中化經營;品牌形塑的過程能加強自我定位及落實品牌理念的部分;同時,善用策略結盟等模式整合外部資源以消弭資源不足的劣勢。


IMBC Business model 經營困境


Recently, the trend of exercising has changed everywhere. No matter where you are, what your gender is and what kind of sports you like, everyone is just crazy for exercise or sports. The wiliness to consume the products of sport is raised at the same time while the wiliness to exercise increased. Taiwanese local sports brand like DAVILLAGE, GDB and IMBC spring up with this trend. These local brands try to get the market share while they are still lack of background and capital. But at the moment, the leader in the market is still the giant brands like NIKE and ADIDAS. Through the interview survey and participant observation, my research tries to investigate the problems like fund-raising, core team and operation strategy in different time period when they start their business both from inside and outside. According to the induction of the inter-relationship diagraph, I can converge and then reorganize a series of question points. Through these question points, I collect secondary data and analyse the same type of case then recommend the essentials as below:transform their tactic from diversification to concentration;strengthen self-positioning and implement the concept of the brand when the brand is forming;utilize the mode like strategic alliances to integrate external resources and eliminate the weakness of resource-lacking. Local sports brands are still developing and trying to set up scale and mode. My research is trying to set a fine example in marketing, team-working and brand forming for IMBC and all other Taiwanese local sports brands through learning the good point of the leader brands and integrating their capabilities and resources.


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