  • 學位論文

傳統產業數碼轉型 - 以印刷業為例

Digital Transformation for Traditional Industries --- Taking the example of printing business

指導教授 : 周志遠


論文摘要 傳統產業的數碼轉型是攸關企業生存的關鍵因素, 而現今面對艱困環境挑戰的正是這些半自動化或是以人力為主的中小企業。 德國在提出工業4.0整合IT及OT的架構下, 以大量的自動化設備及產線環境感測設施, 建構完整的即時資訊體系, 以達成實時間控的目的。這些對台灣中小型的傳統產業而言都還太過遙遠, 相對的, 簡禎富教授所提出的工業3.5理念, 以人為主軸, 輔以各式強化工具來增進產線效率, 做為過渡階段的務實方法, 成為一個重要的指引, 帶領中小企業一步一腳印的走向數碼轉型之路。 本研究論文將以傳統印刷產業為基礎, 引用工業3.5的理念及UNISON架構的決策方法, 思考新的印刷產業營運模式、善用先進資訊技術與平台並進行驗證。 內容中提出利用數碼印刷的可變印紋特性, 產生唯一碼標籤與商品結合, 並在電子商務平台上進行線上的行銷活動, 希望在競爭激烈的產業生存戰場中, 能脫穎而出, 開創一片新局。 關鍵詞 : 印刷產業、數碼轉型、中小企業、數碼印刷、工業3.5、唯一碼、一物一碼、可變印紋、電子商務平台、UNISON架構決策方法


ABSTRACT Digital transformation had been one of the crucial factors for traditional manufacturing companies to survive in harsh competition environments nowadays. Those are usually small and medium size business(SMB) companies with partial automatic production lines and labor-intensive workflows. Industry 4.0, which tends to implement fully automated production lines by integrating information technologies (IT) and operation technologies (OT), seems to be a good idea for industry upgrade, however, it is too far away for SMB companies to reach. Moreover, the massive capital investments in environmental sensors, computers and network connections among machines are also big challenges to them. In this case, Industry 3.5 was raised as the middle stage from Industry 3.0 to 4.0 and the relative strategies are provided for small and medium companies. This is a practical way for traditional manufacturing business to equipped with reasonable IT investments based on OT demands and domain know-how. In this paper, we will focus on the ancient and traditional manufacturing --- the printing business and explore the ways of digital transformation for printing business. Digital printing technologies has become the major driving force nowadays to fulfill the demands of customers in variant data printing. Digital transformation of printing business must integrate the new technology solutions and provide fully automatically information flows in order to meet the challenges of digital era. A new business model leveraging the power of digital printing and variant data printing are proposed and verified in this discussion. Of course, by implementing unique identification labels on products, brand name customers will be able to build up the communication bridges directly to end users, and the data collected on the service platform will help the brand name customers to conduct precisely marketing events and obtain more market shares. This is also a totally new business model prototype for printing business to migrate from traditional industry to information service business and then start the magic journey of digital transformation. The concept also matches with industry 3.5 philosophy --- to provide effective and reasonable AI tools for production lines based on problem solving demands. Also, UNISON framework is leveraged for decision making. This is how traditional industries can go further step by step. Keywords: Printing Business, Digital Transformation (DX), SMB, Digital Printing, Industry 3.5, Unique Identification (UID) label, Variant Data Printing (VDP), e-commerce, UNISON


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