  • 學位論文


A Study of Elementary School Students Learning Motivation and Learning Satisfaction with Online Distance Teaching in Physical Education

指導教授 : 劉先翔


本研究目的旨在瞭解線上遠距對國小學童體育學習成效之影響,供未來強化線上教學實踐做參考。研究方式採前實驗設計,立意取樣新竹縣某國小一個國小五年級班級,進行10節遠距教學(同步&非同步),資料採SPSS統計套裝軟體進行描述性統計、獨立t考驗與皮爾森積差相關進行資料分析。研究結果發現: 一、體育動機四個因素中分數最高為「建立信心」,其次為「切身相關」、「獲得滿足」,以「引起注意」最低;體育課學習滿意度三個因素中滿意程度最高為「教師教學」,其次為「同儕與成就關係」,以「學習效果」的滿意程度最低。 二、不同性別間,在體育課學習動機上,皆未達顯著差異;在體育滿意度上在同儕與成就關係達顯著差異。 三、線上遠距教學學習動機與學習滿意度之間呈正相關。


The study aims to examine the effect of students’ learning outcome on physical education via distance learning, providing a reference to further online teaching practice. The method adopts pre-experimental design, taking a class of fifth graders from Hsinchu County with purposive sampling and applying ten distance education courses (synchronous & asynchronous) to the class. The data was analyzed by descriptive statistics, independent samples t-test and Pearson correlation through statistical package for the social sciences(SPSS). The results showed that: 1. Of four factors in learning motivation of physical education, “confidence building” got the highest point, “self-related” and “satisfaction getting” came second and “attention attraction” got the lowest point. Of three factors in learning satisfaction of physical education, “teachers’ instructions” got the highest point, the second one is “peer relations and academic achievement” and “learning effect” got the lowest point. 2. Between different sex, there was no significant difference in learning motivation of physical education, and there was a significant difference in peer relations and academic achievement of learning satisfaction of physical education. 3. In distance education, learning motivation has positive correlation with learning satisfaction.


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