  • 學位論文


A Case Study in the Innovation and Entrepreneurship in Taiwan

指導教授 : 丘宏昌




創新 創業 新創公司 物聯網 生態系 獨角獸


Abstract The terms of Innovation and entrepreneurship may be new terminologies that have existed and have taken presence in the 21st Century. The National Development Council has been the government office that has been assigned in ushering and having a hands-on approach of creating and changing past laws and enticing investors to invest into start-ups in the IoT, artificial intelligence, blockchain, cloud computing, big data analytics(iABCD) technology market. The Island nation of Taiwan aims to have their start-ups go globally and ways in which they can attract new and fresh talents into the island to contribute to the inclusive start-up ecosystem and for them to have a start-up Unicorn. As a result, this thesis intends to investigate the evolution of the Start-up ecosystem in Taiwan and the ways that the National Development Council can have start-up’s expand internationally. Even though the National Development Council has done so much to aid start-ups more has to be done to attract foreign nationals to work in and contribute to the Taiwanese economy. Finally, this research intends is to provide the National Development Council with adequate information of how these partnerships and collaborations that have to be established with the existing partners and new partners can foster and sustain a continuous growth pattern for the start-up ecosystem that is present in Taiwan.


2019 Money Tree Report by PwC and CB Insights . (n.d.). https://www.cbininsights.com/research/report/venture-capital-q4-2019/
2020 Taiwan Start-up investment Report Scene Report . Taiwan Start-up Stadium (TSS). (n.d.). https://static1.squarespace.com/static/54fda45ae4b056e88666306d/t/5fdae883f54c7b2018c8b1fe/1608181964805/2020+Taiwan+Startup+Investment+Scene+Report.pdf
Chang, C. (2019, December 31). Taiwan's Gogoro and Appier recognized as unicorns: Taiwan News: 2019/12/30. Taiwan News. https://www.taiwannews.com.tw/en/news/3847169
DANIEL F. SPULBER, THE INNOVATIVE ENTREPRENEUR 2 (2014) (identifying “invention” and “entrepreneurship” as the early stages of startup formation).
