  • 學位論文

蝶蝶不休―― 試論吳明益和杜虹的蝴蝶自然書寫

Butterflies, Endlessly in Flight: On the Nature Writing on Butterflies by Wu Ming-Yi and Du Hong

指導教授 : 劉柳書琴


當代臺灣自然書寫者,不少以動物書寫聞名,例如:鷹、鳥、飛魚、鯨豚、蝴蝶,並持續為其發聲,成為該動物生態及權益的發言人。吳明益的動物書寫始於《迷蝶誌》和《蝶道》;同一時期,在南臺灣則有杜虹,先以自然書寫崛起於文壇,後又投入蝴蝶研究和保育工作近二十年。二位作家皆擁有博士學位,吳明益以文學博士跨界自然領域,杜虹以科學博士跨界文學領域,不同學術專業的跨領域現象與共同的社會實踐,具有比較的價值。 本論文以「蝴蝶的自然書寫」為主題;以吳明益《迷蝶誌》、《蝶道》和杜虹《蝴蝶森林》等散文集中的蝴蝶書寫為主要研究範圍;以文本分析法為基礎進行比較研究,希望完成以下之目的:首先,爬梳在臺灣自然書寫發展脈絡下,自然書寫者的環境倫理觀和臺灣蝴蝶書寫的興起;其次,分析吳明益和杜虹的環境倫理觀和蝴蝶自然書寫;繼之,比較二位作家蝴蝶書寫的特質與表現,歸納其異同。最後,詮釋吳明益和杜虹蝴蝶自然書寫的文學意涵,評價他們的社會行動與實踐。 研究發現吳明益和杜虹的蝴蝶書寫在田野之經驗、觀察之視野和文學之表現上有各有表現,各具風格。二位作家皆以自然教育、自然活動以及自然書寫展開社會的關懷和行動的實踐。


Among contemporary Taiwanese nature writers, many are known for their writing on animals, which ranged from eagles and birds to flying fish, whales, and dolphins. They also continue to speak and advocate for animal rights and environmental justice. Two of these writers are Wu Ming-Yi and Du Hong, who both have a focus on butterflies. Wu Ming-Yi's writing began with Chroniques de papillons égarés and Le Tao des papillons. In the same period, Du Hong, who is a nature writer in southern Taiwan, has devoted herself to the research and conservation of butterflies for more than 20 years. Both writers have a PhD degree with divergent trajectories. As a doctor of literature, Wu Ming-Yi entered into the field of nature, whereas Du Hong being a doctor of science entered into the field of literature. Therefore, their contrasting cross-disciplinary experience yet common social practice of nature writing are of comparative value. The main focus of this thesis is "natural writing on butterflies". As for the scope of the study, butterfly writing in Wu Ming-Yi's Chroniques de papillons égarés and Le Tao des papillons as well as Du Hong's Butterfly Forest will be explored. Based on textual analysis, this research employs a comparative approach and aims to accomplish the following objectives: First of all, review the development of Taiwan's natural writing, especially Wu Ming-Yi's and Du Hong's works; Secondly, analyze how the two writers perceives environmental ethics and examine the characteristics of their natural writing; Thirdly, compare the characteristics and performance of butterfly writing by the two writers and summarize their similarities and differences. Finally, interpret the literary meanings of Wu Ming-Yi and Du Hong's nature writing, and evaluate their social actions and influences. The study found that Wu Ming-Yi's and Du Hong's butterfly writings have their own voices and styles in their experiences in the field, the field of vision, and literature works. Both writers use nature education, nature activities and nature writings to develop community care and initiate action.


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