  • 學位論文

環境議題融入國小視覺藝術教學之研究 —以空氣污染為例

The integration of environmental issues into visual art class of elementary school with air pollution as an example

指導教授 : 蕭銘芚


本研究從環境教育出發,設計一套空氣污染議題融入視覺藝術課程之研究,目的在探討以空氣污染與視覺藝術結合之教學的可能性,並以研究者所任職之桃園市武漢國小的六年級28名學童為實施對象,具體研究目的如下: 一、探討環境議題融入國小視覺藝術教學之可能性。 二、建構一套能提升高年級學生省思空氣污染的藝術統整課程。 三、分析高年級學生對空氣污染議題融入藝術課程的想法與回饋。 本研究以行動研究法為主,文獻分析法為輔,以國小六年級學生為實施對象,進行實際教學,並以學生的分組討論作品、個人學習單與創作作品、觀察教師回饋表與研究者的省思札記等教學記錄進行分析,針對教學設計於以檢討與修正。 依據研究目的,所得結論如下: 一、當代藝術教育與十二年國教皆提出環境教育議題融入國小視覺藝術教育符合現代教育潮流,能促進學生的完整人格發展,擴大藝術教育的功能,不只讓學生對環境議題有深切的認識,更透過視覺藝術之方式呈現出自己的觀點,提升藝術表現與環境省思的行動力。 二、研究者根據「空污家園」主題內容,設計出「空污調查家」、「空污批判家」、「空污全球通」、「空污藝術家」與「空污實踐家」五個單元,透過認識空氣污染的成因、影響,並嘗試以藝術的角度詮釋之。 三、本研究從學生的課程學習單、綜合評量表與訪談可以得知,多數學生認為一系列課程非常有意義,這些正向的回饋都顯示出環境議題融入視覺藝術的可能性。 最後研究者依據研究結果,針對課程設計與未來研究提出建議,供後續研究與發展之參 考。


This study offered a visual art curriculum that incorporates air pollution issue. The purpose of this project is to explore the possibility of integrating environmental issues into visual art education. The researcher targeted 28 students with the sixth-grade in Wuhan Elementary School, Taoyuan City as the subjects of this thesis. The goals of this study are as follow: 1.Examine the possibility of the integration of environmental issues into visual art lessons. 2.Construct an integrated curriculum that improve the thinking of air pollution among sixth-grade students. 3.Analyze the thoughts and feedback from art course pupils in the sixth -grade regarding air pollution issues. The main method was action research and literature analysis method were supplemented. There are the sixth-grader participated the experimental. In order to understand the process, difficulties, and find out solutions from student’s group, the discussions, worksheets, assignments, teacher’s observation, and reflection from researcher were used as data collection and analysis. The conclusions are as follow: 1.Contemporary art education and 12-year basic education have both raised the issue of integrating environmental topics into are curriculum and it is claimed that the integration not only promotes the development of pupils integrity but expands the function of arts education. 2.According to the theme of "Air Pollution in Home", the researcher designed five topic:Investigator, Critic, Globalist, Artist, and Practitioner. The pupils willing to show their learning about air pollution in an artistic way. 3.The positive feedbacks from worksheets of students, the review sheets, and interview to understand the possibility of integrating environmental issues into visual art curriculum. Finally, based on the results, the researchers suggest that curriculum design and future topic for development.


一、 中文部分
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