  • 學位論文


What’s behind the Academic Success in NTHU? A Quantile Regression Approach

指導教授 : 林世昌


本文以分量迴歸法研究國立清華大學學生於學業成就背後的原因,並以成績總排名衡量學業成就,探討不同因素對於學生學業成就表現的影響。在本文架構中,主要考慮影響學生在學業成就表現的三個面向: 個人特質、家庭背景以及高中方面。 在個人特質方面,以性別為主要解釋變數,探討性別差異對於學業成就表現之影響。在家庭背景方面,欲了解父母職業,家庭年收入以及居住地區這些變數對於學生在學業成就取得面向上的影響;高中方面,主要以入學管道為主要解釋變數,探討學生藉由不同入學管道升學後,對於其在大學的學業表現之差異。此外,在處理解釋變數中,具有內生性問題的變數,入學管道,則以Probit 兩階段最小平方法為之。 研究主要成果顯示,性別上,女生在各分量表現較男性於成績排名表現較好;家庭背景中父母職業為較高社經地位,對於學生在取得學業成就之影響不顯著,反而家庭年收入越高對於成績在中低至中高分量的學生有負向顯著影響;家庭居住位置方面以北部為基準,南、中以及東北部成績在中至中高分量的學生,於學業成就表現上有負向影響;入學管道上,考慮自我選擇內生性問題後,於中低分量,繁星與申請生相較指考生表現之差異並不顯著,而對於成績位於中至中高分量,繁星與指考生表現較為好,此部份影響甚至涵蓋到最高分量的學生。


This research focus on the determinants behind the academic success in NTHU, using a quantile regression approach, with the dependent variable being class percentile ranking. In this paper, three dimensions of the determinants are considered: Personal characteristics, family, and influences from the high school. When it comes to personal characteristics, gender difference is the main focus. For the family part, this paper considers the influence of parents’ socioeconomic status, vocations and family income, on their children’s academic success. On the other hand, the locality of residence of the students’ family also matters. As for the influence from the high school, different channels through which the students enter NTHU are of the main interests, to understand how the decisions, made by students differently, on choosing channels to entering NTHU before college, would have any effects on the students’ road to academic success. Additionally, on the issues of possible selection bias in choosing different channels entering NTHU, the method so called Probit Two Stage Least Squares is adopted. The empirical results suggest that females outperform males over all the quantiles considered in this paper; higher family socioeconomic status does not necessarily associate with better performance in NTHU. On the contrary, higher family income actually suggests lower achievements in academic performance for students from the middle-lower to upper quantiles; negative impacts on students from the south, mid, and northeast part of Taiwan are found, in the middle to upper quantiles, with the north as the basement group; After the consideration of endogeneity problem, self-selection bias, no statistical differences are found for students in the lower quantiles; while in the middle and upper quantiles, the students through application and star-programs tend to outperform those taking the advanced-subject tests, which affects even on the top quantile students.


1. 田芳華、傅祖壇(2009):「大學多元入學制度:學生家庭社經背景與學業成就
2. 李維倫、古慧雯、駱明慶與林明仁(2020):「入學管道與學習表現」,《經濟論
