  • 學位論文


Building the Cooperative with Action Design Research Method: A Case Study of Hengshan, Hsinchu

指導教授 : 林福仁


台灣經濟逐步進入已開發國家,都市化程度日漸增高,人口發展走向少子化、高齡化,鄉村人口外移並減少。因此政府與民間協力推動「地方創生」國家發展策略,使人口回流鄉村,活絡各地經濟,打造永續的經濟循環。 新竹縣橫山鄉為客家文化區域。原本的主流產業為礦業及水泥工業,但因礦產資源枯竭、停止開礦而沒落。橫山青壯年人口大量外移至其他都市,現在主流產業則為農業,面臨農民高齡化、缺工、議價力不足等情況。本研究以服務主導邏輯為核心觀點,分析目前橫山鄉大山背及周邊地區的農民與關係人的人際網路及產業現況,並實踐服務系統價值共創,以行動設計研究方法探討如何推動地方小農的合作經濟模式:診斷階段以人物誌及活動理論解析橫山農業現況、人物典型,呈現出各利害關係人於目前的生態中有何需求與困境;設計階段則進入協助農民建構合作組織的方案,引導農民形塑合作共識與理念;佈建階段則為合作組織參與者開始實際投入合作模式建立過程,研究者從旁輔助觀察,讓合作步上軌道;演進階段則是奠基於「以合作社為主體」之合作模式,研究者推動合作社參與者與外部關係人互動並觀察修正,以期達成永續經營的合作模式。 本研究希望能紀錄研究者與在地參與者實地投入的新實踐,並作為台灣地方創生發展上可能的前進方向,提出行動設計研究方法對於地方創生與合作經濟模式的優勢與需調整之處,作為其他實踐團隊參考與反思的根據,朝向永續的地方經濟循環之路邁進。


Taiwan has become a developed country and its urban population rate of Taiwan has been gradually growing over the last decades. As low birth rate, ageing society and rural flight, the Taiwanese government has collaborated with civil society promoting the Regional Revitalization Policy to drive rural population growth and develop a sustainable economic cycle. Hengshan Township, located in Hsinchu County, is a Hakka-cultural region. The young adult as well as adult population emigrates from Hengshan to other cities constantly due to the original industrial decline. The main industry has turned out focusing on agriculture from the mining and cement producing industries, which suffered natural resource exhaustion; yet nowadays, it faces other problems like ageing farmers, lack of labor and bargaining power. This study takes from the perspective of service-dominant logic to analyze the social network of farmers and the other stakeholder, along with the current status of the industry. Moreover, this study co-creates the value of this service ecosystem and promotes cooperative economical models of farmers by action design research method in stages as below. In the diagnosis stage, analyze the status and stakeholders by persona and activity theory. In the design stage, help the farmers to find better solutions of cooperation and build consensus of cooperation. In the implementation stage, the actors of the cooperative started to create their own cooperative. In the evolution stage, based on the cooperative model, the researcher mobilized the actors of the cooperative for interacting with outer stakeholders. This study hopes to record the new practice with the local actors by action design research method for other teams who are implementing regional revitalization and one possible way for future practices.


Vargo, S. L., & Lusch, R. F. (2004). Evolving to a new dominant logic for marketing. Journal of marketing, 68(1), 1-17. DOI: 10.1509/jmkg.
