  • 期刊


The Strategic Planning for Tourism Marketing: Hsinchu County Case Study


觀光業是二十一世紀最有潛力的明星產業,也是目前全球最大最富生機的產業。我國自1998年實施週休二日後,國民生活更加重在重餘暇活動的設施與機能。從供給面而言,提供公共設施與服務,推動地方經濟發展、提升社會互動頻率、解決餘暇休閒問題,都是地方政府與地方配合共同面對的事務與挑戰。近年來觀光以超越社會福利、文化,成為地方行銷與城鎮發展的新指標,《遠見雜誌》2004年7月號《魅力台灣:賣弄在地風情》更以觀光作為地方競爭的新指標。 新竹觀光資源豐富,地理環境擁有溪流、山川、海洋、坡地、台地,天然資源有溫泉、冷泉、神木等,人文資源包括客家、閩南、原住民文化及地方美食,造就新竹縣獨特迷人的觀光風貌,極具發展觀光潛力。本文依據新竹縣政府觀光資源綱,將新竹縣十三鄉鎮的觀光資源景點歸類於五大遊憩系統內,此五大遊憩系統分別為濱海遊憩系統、客家文化與田園遊憩系統、山地文化遊憩系統、老街茶鄉遊憩系統、雪霸國家遊憩系統。 本文將新竹縣觀光行銷發展總目標設定為「建立一個具有現代城、鄉村老街、自然資源三位一體永續發展的觀光產業縣」,而其發展策略包括:1.藉由市場趨勢,重新瞭解與規劃地方整體資源;2.強化區隔消費市場理念,建立新竹縣觀光各項產業與資源於市場之定位以及扮演的「角色」;3.強化地方居氏凝聚力,以及專業能力,使地方擁有自給自足的專業人力資源;4.修正目前産業推廣方式,藉由多元化的行銷組合方式,呈現地方形象與産業之「特色」、「內涵」及「形象品牌」;5.建立產品之創意性、自明性、實用性、價值性及文化意涵,提升市場競爭力。績而透過發展目標與策略問相互結合,使新竹縣觀光產業未來的發展符合市場需求以及永績之目標。


觀光行銷 策略規劃 新竹縣


The tourism industry is the most potential in 21 th century and the most vital around the world. People pay more attention to the facilities of entertainment since the 2 days-off weekly policy was adopted in 1998, so Taiwan local governments have to provide public facilities and services to promote economic development, social communication, and entertainment. In fact, the tourism becomes the new indicator for local marketing and development beside the social welfare and culture etc. It is also defined as the new indicator of local competitive power by Foresight Magazine in 2004. There are many tourism resources in Hsinchu County. The geological resources include rivers, mountains, coasts, and plateaus etc. The natural resources include hot spring, cold spring, and deity trees etc. The human resources include multiple ethnic culture and delicious food. General speaking, her unique, fascinating scene makes Hsinchu County a potential tourism paradise. In this paper, Hsinchu County tourism resources are divided into 5 systems: the coastal area, Hakka culture and pastoral area, aboriginal culture system, Old Street and tea village area, and the Shei-Pa National Park. Finally, the general goal of tourism marketing for Hsinchu County is set as ”constructing the sustainable tourism development with modern, countryside, and natural resources.” The strategies include: (1). reformulate the tourism resources by the market analyses, (2). segregate customers' market to set the position and role, (3). increase the cohesions and professional capacities of local citizens to solid the human resources, (4). promote the image, quality, and brand by way of multiple marketing packages, (5). increase the competitive power by constructing the creativity, value, and culture of the tourism products. In addition, it is urgent to step up the tourism industry of Hsinchu County to tally with market demand and sustainable development by way of integration between the tourism goal and strategies.


王居卿譯、張威龍譯、陳明杰譯、William O. Bearden原著、Thomas N. Ingram原著、Raymond W. Laforge原著(2002)。行銷學:原理與觀點。台北:前程企業管理公司。


Guo, Y. J. (2013). 台灣國際觀光飯店業者之創新行銷策略 研究-新竹喜來登為例 [master's thesis, National Tsing Hua University]. Airiti Library. https://www.airitilibrary.com/Article/Detail?DocID=U0016-2511201310362895
