  • 學位論文


The origin of the [t-] initials in the zhuang series in Proto-Min

指導教授 : 梅思德


閩語中部分辭彙例如「窗」,被視為上古漢語詞綴脫落的證據。在 Sagart 的 上古漢語擬音中,「窗」(閩南語:[tʰɑŋ])被擬構為*s-lˤ̥oŋ。與被擬構為 lˤ̥oŋ 的「通」字在閩南語中發音相同,被視為一組同源詞。 本篇使用 Norman 的原始閩語,與 Baxter & Sagart 和李方桂的上古漢語系統 相對照,試圖找出其中的音變邏輯,並指出不同時代的中原漢語對原始閩語各層 次的貢獻。 在閩語方言中具有與其他漢語方言不同聲母的字可以簡易分作幾類: I. 在沿海閩與及內陸閩語具有相同發音的[t-]聲母字 II. 僅有內陸閩語發[t-]聲母的字 III. 沿海閩語常具有[t-]/[s-]兩讀音,而在內陸閩語通常僅剩[s-]讀音的字 Baxter & Sagart 的系統在解釋上古漢語至原始閩語韻母系統上較不具優勢。 但多處可見詞綴*s- 脫落證據。*s- 詞綴在帶有塞音聲母的詞根前容易消失,例 如「書」字(上古漢語: *s-ta,原始閩語: *tsy);而在帶有流音聲母的詞根前 則容易保留,例如「司」字 (上古漢語:*s-lə,原始閩語:*sy)。 李方桂的擬音是另一常見的系統,在解釋韻母系統上相較於許多系統都更易 於了解。此系統使用 7 元音的模式來描述上古漢語。故從上古漢語「事」*tsrjəgh 到中間階段 *tsəgh 又到原始閩語 tәi 的過程清晰可見,但聲母無從對應。


Characters like “window 窗” are consifered to show a prefix dropping in Min language. In Sagart’s proposal, the character ”window 窗” (Southern Min: [tʰɑŋ]) can be reconstructed as a root with a prefix: *s-lˤ̥oŋ. And this word can be corresponded to another word 通 * lˤ̥oŋ. It also pronounced as [tʰɑŋ] in Southern Min. We use Norman’s reconstruction of Proto-Min and two kinds of reconstructions by Baxter & Sagart and Li Fang-kuei in this paper to discuss the logical sound change process in the initials and we try to figure out their contribution to different strata of Min from different periods of Chinese in the central plains (中原). Characters in Min dialects with different initials from Middle Chinese or other Sinitic dialects can be briefly separated into three groups: I. Pronounced with [t-] in coastal Min dialects and in Central Min dialects. II. Pronounced with [t-] only in Central Min dialects. III. Pronounced with [t-] in one stratum of Min dialects and pronounced with [s-] in another stratum of Min dialects. In some cases, the Central Min dialects only preserved the newer literary layer Although the system of Baxter & Sagart is not that easy to be used in order to explain the correspondences between Old Chinese and Proto-Min, evidence of *sdrop is easier to be found in many words by using this system. The *s- prefix has a higher possibility to be dropped in words with stop initial in the root like “書 write” (Old Chinese: *s-ta, Proto-Min: *tsy), but it tends to be seen in words with liquid initial in the root such as “司 superintend”(Old Chinese: *s-lə, Proto-Min: *sy). The system of Li Fang-kuei is another common reconstruction system of Old Chinese. The rhyme system is easier to understand than many other systems and it is better with respect to corresponces with Proto-Min. 7 vowels are used in this system to describe all the charcaters in Old Chinese. But the prefixes in Old Chinese are not shown in Li’s system. So the sounds of words like “affair 事” are well-derived from Old Chinese *tsrjəgh to the medium state *tsəgh and to Proto-Min tәi. Since it does not discuss prefixes, the issue of the initial consonants cannot be solved in this reconstruction.


Proto-Min Old Chinese language contact


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Handel., Zev. 2003. Northern Min tone values and the reconstruction of “softened” initials”. Language and Linguistics 4.1: 47-84.
Hombert, Jean-Marie. 1978. Consonant types, vowel quality, and tone. Tone: a Linguistic Survey, ed. by Victoria A. Fromkin, 77-111. New York: Academic Press.
