  • 學位論文


The Influences of Positive and Negative Learning Experiences on Academic Frustration Tolerance for Senior Students at Elementary School: Achievement Motivation and Role Obligation as Mediators

指導教授 : 黃囇莉


本論文旨在探討國小高年級學童正向成功經驗與學習挫折經驗對學業挫折容忍力之影響及可能的中介因子。本論文共進行三個研究,以問卷調查法進行。 研究一初探245位國小高年級學童的學習挫折來源,及挫折因子對學習造成挫折的程度。結果顯示其學習挫折經驗平均數介於1.8分至2.6分之間,屬中下程度,主要有「人際困境」、「社會性焦慮」、「效能低落」、「成就挫折」及「成績焦慮」五種,且性別、年級並無顯著差異。研究二以246位為受試者,探討國小高年級學童的正向成功經驗來源,及其對其自信之影響。結果顯示,正向成功經驗的平均數介於1.8至3.5分之間,屬中上程度,主要有「人際關愛」、「社會性肯定」、「自我增進」、「助人之樂」及「競賽成就」五種。女生在競賽成就的正向成功向度上顯著高於男生,且年級越高,其正向成功經驗中的人際關愛層面上得分越高。 研究三以279位學童,探討正向成功經驗與學習挫折經驗對學業挫折容忍力之影響及可能的中介因子,測量工具包括「正向成功經驗問卷」、「學習挫折經驗問卷」、「學業挫折容忍力量表」、「成就動機量表」、「角色認同量表」。 結果顯示:正向成功經驗顯著正向預測學業挫折容忍力,而學習挫折經驗則顯著負向預測學業挫折容忍力,其中以正向成功經驗層面的「助人之樂」正向預測力最強,而挫折經驗中的「效能低落」則對學業挫折容忍力有最顯著負向影響。第二,社會取向成就動機與個我取向成就動機也能顯著預測學業挫折容忍力,角色義務則未見顯著效果。第三,在中介效果方面,主要是個我取向成就動機可完全中介、社會取向成就動機則部分中介正向成功經驗對學業挫折容忍力之影響。本研究最後並提出建議,供學校教師、家長、教育相關單位及後續研究者參考。


The purpose of this thesis is to explore the influence of positive and negative learning experiences, achievement motivations and role obligation on academic frustration tolerance.Three studies using questionnaire as research instrument were conducted in this thesis.   Study 1 explored the learning frustration experiences of 250 higher grade students in elementary school, and the extent of frustration factor that causes frustration in learning. The result showed that the mean of learning frustrations of higher grade students in elementary school is from 1.8 to 2.6, about low to medium level. The primary learning frustration experiences involve with "interpersonal relationship difficulty"," social anxiety", "low effectiveness", "achievement frustration", and "performance anxiety"; and there is no significant difference in gender and grade. In Study 2, it adopted 246 subjects to explore their positive successful experiences, and the influence of such experiences on their confidence. The result showed that the mean of positive successful experiences is from 1.8 to 3.5, around medium to high level. The primary positive successful experiences include "interpersonal care"," social approval", "self improvement", "happiness from helping others", and "competitive achievement". Study 2 found that girls have higher scores in competitive achievement than boys do. Also, the higher the grade, the higher score in human relationship care in positive successful experiences. Study 3 aimed at 279 pupils to discuss the influence of positive successful experiences and learning frustration experiences on academic frustration tolerance and the possible intervening variables. The result showed: First, positive successful experiences have remarkably positive prediction ability of academic frustration tolerance, while learning frustration experiences have remarkably negative prediction ability of academic frustration tolerance. To make it clear, “happiness from helping others” in positive successful experience dimension has the strongest positive predictive ability, while “low effectiveness” in frustration experiences has the most remarkably negative influence on tolerance for study frustration. Secondly, social oriented achievement motivation and individual oriented achievement motivation can remarkably predict academic frustration tolerance. On the contrary, role obligation does not have remarkable effect. Thirdly, in respect of mediation effect, individual oriented achievement motivation can completely mediate the influence of positive successful experiences on academic frustration tolerance, while social oriented achievement motivation partly mediates the influence of positive successful experiences on academic frustration tolerance. Implications for education were discussed and suggestions for future study were also proposed.


