  • 學位論文


Designing an Auditory In-Vehicle Speech System with Novice Elicitation Function

指導教授 : 黃雪玲


車用語音系統的顯示介面已成為影響駕駛安全的重要因子;台灣政府也於民國101年頒佈法規,禁止駕駛在車輛行進中操作娛樂性顯示設備。在無顯示畫面的情況之下操作車載語音系統已成為趨勢。本研究的主要目的即是改善現有的中文車載語音系統,設計出一款具有語音引導性的車載語音系統,即便是新手且在缺乏視覺指引的情況下也能操作自如,我們將本研究所開發之系統稱之新手模式車用語音系統。 本研究使用駕駛模擬器進行實驗測試,總計有20位受試者,每位受試都必須在駕駛狀態中操作音樂與廣播兩項功能。實驗中利用數位錄影裝置記錄受試者的駕駛行為、緊急狀況之反應時間、任務完成時間與使用求助之次數等項目,並在實驗完成後,請受試者填寫主觀問卷及心智負荷問卷。實驗總共分三階段進行,第一階段主要是收集原車用語音系統需改善之處,並且觀察使用者在無顯示畫面之情形下之表現;根據所收集到之實驗資料與語音系統設計原則我們設計出新手模式車用語音系統,並在第二及第三階段實驗中,利用新手與有經驗之受試者進行實驗,並根據受試者的任務完成時間、求助次數、剎車反應時間與心智負荷程度等,驗證新手模式車用語音系統的引導性與安全性。 根據第二及第三階段實驗結果表示,受試者在操作新手模式車用語音系統時,反應時間並未有顯著增加且位於安全值之內。在任務完成時間與求助次數方面,可發現系統具有顯著的引導效果。因此我們可以推斷新手模式車用語音系統不但在系統引導性上有良好的表現,也兼顧了駕駛安全考量,讓使用者在操作車用語音系統時亦能專注於周遭之狀況。


This research is aimed to design an auditory-only in-vehicle speech system, named as Talking Car Novice Mode that provides with elicitation for a novice to handle easily. In this study, 20 participants were asked to use radio and music functions in two kinds of in-vehicle speech systems respectively, the original Talking Car and Talking Car Novice Mode, while driving in a simulator. In the experiment, subjects need to complete the tasks we assigned, such as change the radio frequency, while driving. And the data of driving performance, the amount of time spent on tasks and the frequencies of calling help functions were recorded by a camera. The NASA-TLX questionnaire and subjective questionnaire were completed after the test. The result indicated that there was no significant difference between driving with and without tasks on either the reaction time of slamming the brake or the frequencies of calling helps. Besides, the learning curve of Talking Car Novice Mode is steep, and it ensures that Talking Car Novice Mode provides enough elicitation to novices. Hence, Talking Car Novice Mode system is a safe, convenient and friendly in-vehicle speech system for users.


Novice Mode elicitation auditory interface


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/978-0-387-73819-2_11, DOI: 10.1007/978-0-387-73819-2_11
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