  • 學位論文


A Study on the Usability of Text Input for smartphone

指導教授 : 王茂駿


近年來隨著觸面板的發展與多點觸控式產品的研發,互動性高的手持式行動裝置逐漸在市場上普及,而行動裝置的體積也不斷縮小以滿足方便攜帶之需求。隨著手機產業3G行動網路發展與娛樂需求的提升,觸控螢幕與觸控按鍵的介面設計將會對使用者在瀏覽或文字輸入的感受會有極大差別。 本研究主要針對現有智慧型手機之文字輸入績效評估與使用性作探討。過去研究對於文字輸入評估多針對拼音輸入,故本研究將以台灣地區熟悉之注音與手寫輸入兩種輸入方式作為評估因子。另外手機作業系統(iOS、Android)、輸入工具(手指、觸控筆)、螢幕方向(直式、橫式)與Android作業系統版本不同是否對於輸入績效會有明顯差別也是本研究會探討的。在評估指標方面,客觀效標將會蒐集受測者的完成時間與錯誤率,主觀效標則以工作負荷量表(NASA-TLX)與系統使用性量表(SUS)作為評量依據。 實驗結果發現,不同年齡層的使用者在文字輸入完成時間與錯誤率皆有顯著差異,年長者的績效表現均不比年輕或中年族群,因此在文字輸入介面設計時年齡因素必須納入考量。在輸入方式中,年輕與中年族群在按鍵輸入有較佳績效表現,老年族群則為手寫輸入有較佳表現。在輸入工具方面,觸控筆的使用對於文字輸入會相較於利用手指有較佳表現。在螢幕方向中,直式的操作輸入也會相較橫式操作來的好。在作業系統方面,中文輸入以Android作業系統表現較佳,但在英文輸入方面,則發現以iOS作業系統會有較佳的績效表現。


In recent years, with the development of touch screen technology and multi-touch products, portable devices with high interaction are popular in the market. With the popularity of 3G mobile network and the growing demands on mobile entertainment, the users may experience some differences in browsing or text input touch screen and button interface design. This study aims to investigate text input of smartphones for performance evaluation and usability study. Previous studies focused more on Pinyin input assessment, so this study will take the Zhuyin input and handwriting input as evaluation factors. This study will also discuss whether there are significant differences on text input performance in mobilephone operating system (iOS, Android), input tool (finger, stylus), screen direction (vertical, horizontal) and different version of Android operating system. For dependment measures, the objective measures include the subject's completion time and error rate. The subjective measures include mental workload scale (NASA-TLX) and system usability scale (SUS). The results showed that there were significant differences in completion time and error rate between different age group. The worst performance was found in the older group. The findings implicated that the age factor should be considered in the interface design. In the input method, the young and the middle-aged people had better performance in the keyboard input and the older people showed better performance in handwriting input. In input tools, the use of the stylus for text input had better performance than that of using fingers. In screen direction, the vertical operation was better than the horizontal operation. For the operating system, the use of Android operating system had better performance in Chinese input, while the use of iOS operating system had better performance in English input.


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