  • 學位論文


High Powered LED Packaging Company Business Strategy - T Company Model

指導教授 : 黎正中


LED逐漸步向技術成熟的階段,應用市場也一步一步打開,其中照明市場最受矚目。尤其全球暖化現象受到重視,節能減碳成為趨勢,照明所耗電量約占總耗電量的21%,若使用高效率照明設備,對節能助益甚大。 另一方面,全球主要國家也都訂定禁用白熾燈泡的時程,也將帶動燈泡的汰舊換新。LED路燈與High-Bay大量採用高功率高亮度發光二極體(High Bright LED)。高功率LED廣視角球泡燈將大行其道與二次光學設計簡易的優勢,高功率LED已逐漸在廣視角球泡燈市場嶄露頭角。高檔轎車市場對高功率LED已相當廣泛車用照明用燈、配光用燈和裝飾用燈。由於節能環保議題的持續發升溫,具有長壽命、低耗電、低維修成本等優勢的LED燈源,尤其高功率(High Power) LED成為新一代燈光源應用熱潮。 平面貼片式(SMD)與CBO封裝技術各有其優劣勢,T公司採平面貼片式(SMD)封裝技術以單、多晶片封裝形式,且產品隨著LED的應用日漸多元化,耗電低、壽命長、演色度高持續提升發光效率。 T公司如何運用平面貼片式(SMD)封裝核心技術、經營策略與商業模式。在LED業者競相投入高功率LED封裝新技術發展之同時,面對愈來愈嚴苛的兢爭者挑戰且能保持競爭優勢。


Abstract The LED technology is growing towards the stage of maturity and the LED application market is emerging rapidly. Over the past decade, LED has been a major topic in the illumination market. Presently, the importance of global warming and reducing carbon footprint has become a popular trend. Illumination power consumes about 21% of the total energy. Hence, with great practice of high-efficiency lighting, we can save energy. Furthermore, the first world countries are promoting to set incandescent light bulbs obsolete and encourage the replacement of old lamps. LED street lights and High-Bay consumes extensive power (High Bright LEDs). High-powered and wide-angled LED bulbs are advantageous due to its simplicity and are popular with secondary optical design. Recently, high powered LEDs have gradually cut a striking figure in the wide angled bulb markets. LEDs are used a great deal in the high-end automotive markets, along with illuminating lights, reading lights and decorating lamps. The ongoing demand of reducing energy and environmental protection issues require light sources to be long lasting, low power consuming, low maintenance costs and many others. This would lead to a LED market boom with new generation of light source applications. Surface-mount technology (SMD) and Chip-on-board (COB) packaging technology have both advantages and disadvantages. T Company utilizes the SMD packaging to create a single multichip package that diversifies the application products of LED. Nevertheless, LED reduces power consumption, has a longer life span, and improves the lighting by color rendering. To maintain a competitive advantage, T Company will practice the SMD packaging technology, integrate new business strategies and develop business models for the LED high-powered packaging industry. In addition, T Company will continue researching new technologies to meet new demands and maintain competitive advantages.


Business model COB High bright LED SMD


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