  • 學位論文


指導教授 : 史欽泰


本論文以工業技術研究院當作研究主體,解析在智權決定競爭力的知識經濟時代,工研院如何在符合組織定位與使命的條件下,透過智權營運管理與專利運用獎勵措施以及相關推動思維與作法,達成促進研發結果與產出知識之流通,實際創造我國產業具體價值之目標。藉此討論一個非營利機構如何基於其核心使命與價值,逐步擬定具體策略與做法,達成整體價值成長之過程與結果。 研究結果顯示,工研院推動智權流通之策略與作法主要源自於其利己利他之核心理念與價值,而這也與工研院當初設置之宗旨「促進並協助我國工業技術之發展」相符。工研院清楚理解知識經濟時代來臨,智權與專利將是產業能否面對全球化競爭的關鍵所在,因此希望透過專利與技術授權之方式達到將研發成果與知識流通擴散,促成我國產業技術提昇,提昇整體競爭力之目的。 本論文亦討論非營利組織永續經營之關鍵,除了須考量產業脈動與核心競爭力外,更重要之關鍵在於必須能夠時刻守住其核心使命與價值,並且能夠與時俱進,調整經營策略,如果偏離了根本使命,便可能逐步失去存在之必要,然後慢慢萎縮或消失。


In the Knowledge Economy Age, intellectual property (IP) is a very important issue for an organization. This study focus on what the Industrial Technology Research Institute (ITRI) has done for transferring its IP and technologies to the industry by adopting a creative platform and a suitable rewarding manner based on its major mission — to create the value for the industry of Taiwan. We try to discuss the process and result about how a non-profit organization sets and achieves its major strategy based on the organization mission to create the highest value. According to the research results, it was found that ITRI well understands that its organization mission is to help the industry, and what the industry need in the Knowledge Economy Age is the IP and technology support. Therefore, both the strategy and action of ITRI about the transfer and application of IP were based on how to bring the value for the industry as well as for itself. This study also discussed how the core mission affects the sustainable growth of an organization. It was found that the key issue is whether an organization can obey its mission and adopt flexible strategies. Once deviate the mission, the organization may lose the direction and then shrink or disappear gradually.


6.朱博湧 Po-Yung Chu et al,2007, Chiao Da Management Review Vol. 27 No. 2, pp. 1-27
7.周筱姿,2006年,「 公設財團法人一般公認會計原則適用性探討」, EMBA論文,台北市: 政治大學。
12.涂敏芬,2010,「實踐策略,改變制度:工研院與創新前瞻機制的個案分析」,清華大學博士論文,新竹市: 清華大學。
1.工研院2000年年報,2001,p. 40。
2.中華民國科學技術年鑑 100年版,2011,pp. 47- 56。
