  • 學位論文


A Case Study of Reef Check Experience via SCUBA Diving in Lan-Yu Island Using Activity Theory

指導教授 : 林福仁


摘 要 珊瑚礁體檢活動是全球珊瑚礁監測網 (Global Coral Reef Monitoring Network) 於1997 年發起的全球性珊瑚礁普查,主要是用來監測由於過漁活動,環境的汙染,棲地破壞,氣候的變異等對海中珊瑚礁變化的影響。珊瑚礁好比是海中的熱帶雨林,孕育豐富生命,珊瑚礁的破壞,對海洋生態影響甚鉅,同時也影響了海洋資源的減少。台灣同步於1997年開始也參與了此項全球性的普查,開始由政府單位負責,但後來由於政府經費短缺,於2009年改由民間NGO組織-台灣環境資訊協會接手。由於近年經濟狀況不佳,募款不易,讓珊瑚礁體檢的活動進行的十分艱辛,憑藉著志工的熱情得以持續至今。如何讓此活動可以變成有加值性的潛水體驗活動,讓活動不僅可以永續發展,同時可以擴大調查面及影響力,是本研究所要探討的課題。 本研究以體驗循環的架構檢視蘭嶼珊瑚礁體檢活動可以再改進的部份,同時以活動理論(Activity Theory)檢視各執行單位及執行方法與目標間的衝突,從而找出可能的解決方案。依研究分析的結果,目前的珊瑚礁體檢的確可作為加值性的潛水活動,協會與教練的動機目標亦相符,但是若要做到體驗循環,在蘭嶼部分因為經費太高,志工很難回流,但是卻可以靠著加強對志工的服務與連結,讓口碑擴散,吸引更多新志工的參與,讓活動得以延續。在檢視各執行單位的衝突方面,現有的調查方式限制了活動的擴展性,而目標與調查當地有一些衝突,導致蘭嶼當地居民參與的意願不高,這些都是要讓蘭嶼珊瑚礁體檢活動可以持續進行極待克服的問題。希望藉著本研究的結論提供未來蘭嶼或其他離島珊瑚礁體檢執行時的參考,讓這個有意義的活動可以進行的更順暢持續。




Abstract A global survey of coral reef health activity was organized by the Global Coral Reef Monitoring Network in 1997, which methodology was adopted for monitoring the influence resulted from the overfishing, pollution, human impacts and climate change, the data did supported that coral reefs were in crisis due to these factors. The coral reefs just play the role like the rain forest ecosystem does, which nurture the diversified ocean lives, the damage of the coral reef also impact the ocean ecosystem, and the overall ocean resources will be decreasing accordingly. There’s the same reef check activity conducted in Taiwan in 1997, which was in charge by the government organization .These activities was taken over by the NGO since 2009 due to the overall project budget is reducing, and such tough situation was even worse due to the poor global economics in recent years. It’s the passion of the volunteers keep supporting the reef check events till now. How to enable a sustainable reef check activity to be not only a value-added SCUBA journey but also an influential event will be the main focus of the topics of this study. The study investigates the improvement area with the experience cycle theory, and also through the structural Activity theory to review the contradictions among the Subject, the Object and the other key nodes. The analysis with experience cycle theory shows the current Reef check project can be a value-added SCUBA activity, while look unlike to get most of the volunteers back regularly due to the high travel expense, while it’s sustainable to attract the new volunteer to participate by improvement with better service and stronger linkage. The analysis with the Activity theory shows the contradictions among stakeholders do limit the development of Reef check at Lam-yu, which mainly resulted from the unchangeable methodology of the current reef check, also the deployment of the perquisite knowledge development due to tight schedule and insufficient qualified lecturer, the unspoken goal among all the stakeholders. The author wish the relevant proposal of the solutions can be the reference of the following reef check activities, either in Lam-yu or in other island area, for those upcoming event organizers to enable these activities becoming sustainable and running smoothly.




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