  • 學位論文


Magnetic Nano Actuator

指導教授 : 衛榮漢


在微機電系統裡,能產生機械運動的微致動器是相當重要的元件。目前微致動器在形式分類上主要有靜電致動、壓電致動、形狀記憶合金、電熱致動、電磁致動等類型。這些致動器都有一個共同的要素,就是需要有導線的存在,但是在微結構裡面加入導線會讓系統在製程上有更多失敗的機會,也會在使用上受到許多的限制。除此之外,上述的致動器在設計上通常只能作到某一特定方向的運動,而不能有多方向的運動方式。因此本論文以設計無導線並且能多方向致動的磁致動元件為目標。 本文的磁力致動器結構主要使用電子束微影以及電子槍蒸鍍系統來製作,致動結構由一根懸臂樑及一方型平板組成。懸臂樑一端為固定端,另一端連接方形平板,平板上則蒸鍍磁性薄膜。當施加磁場時,磁膜產生磁扭矩帶動結構彎曲變形,並藉光學顯微鏡測量致動器在不同大小及方向的磁場下之位移的情形。 結果顯示,厚度僅90 nm的磁力致動器在外加磁場大小1800 Gauss、方向與懸臂樑垂直時,可以產生12 μm的撓曲位移;此外,當磁場方與懸臂樑夾角為45°及75°時,可以觀察到磁膜磁化翻轉的情形,此結果為首次在微米尺度的致動器上觀察到磁膜翻轉的現象。




Micro-actuator, which generates mechanical movement, is one of the important components in micro-electro-mechanical system. Previously, the actuating mechanisms are controlled by electric circuit, including electrostatic, piezoelectric, thermal, electromagnetic, and shape memory alloys actuations. However, the commonly-used electric circuit lead often hinder the design and use of the structure and even increase the manufacturing difficulty. Moreover, the displacement of traditional micro-actuator only has one way. Therefore, micro-actuator which has no electric circuit and multi-way displacement is the goal of this paper. This study used e-beam lithography system and e-beam evaporator system to manufacture a novel wireless-magnetic actuator. The magnetic actuator composes of a thin cantilever beam and a rectangular plate which magnetic films deposit on. The magnetic actuator generates deflection under external magnetic field. We used optical microscopy to measure the relationship of deflection and external field. The results reveal that the magnetic actuator generates 12 μm of deflection under 1800 Gauss external field. More important, this is the first time observation that the reverse of magnetization on micro-actuator.


Magnetic Actuator


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