  • 學位論文


Design and Analysis of Supply Chain One-Stop Logistic Service Models

指導教授 : 張瑞芬


隨著全球化供應鏈之競爭,產業供應鏈上各角色除了考慮到自身之利益外,同時亦綜觀整體供應鏈之運作效率,因此,如何有效整合所有服務與相關資訊已日趨重要。而為了提高企業供應鏈之效率與其整合度,許多企業已將物流運籌視為提升核心競爭力之策略布局,透過物流服務品質的提升與多元服務之整合,以提升企業自我之競爭優勢。然而,目前國內物流業者仍大多被動地受限於產業之營運中,除了無法提供完善之服務外,在現行模式中也無法有效幫助企業解決當前所遇的瓶頸與困難。   本研究針對製造產業與流通產業之營運現況做其了解與分析,從現行模式中無法充分被滿足之需求與瓶頸進而分析歸納出所謂「一站式」解決之方案,期望透過「供應鏈一站式物流服務」為企業帶來更為全面性之整合服務提供,同時期望提高企業營運效率與其競爭力。首先,分析並且歸納出一站式物流服務之確切定義、範疇及模式類別等,其根據所提供之服務層級可大致歸納為四個模式(Model 0、Model 1、Model 2、Model 3),接著,採用問卷發放方式進行產業及物流廠商對供應鏈一站式物流服務之調查評估,以驗證模式與服務項目提供之重要性及需求性,並且整理出相關之推動策略與建議。最後,建構選定案例廠商之現行模式及可行模式,並且透過以斐氏圖概念為基之流程塑模工具(Income 4)模擬分析,以進行案例廠商現行及可行模式之運籌效率與營運效益之評估。其針對本研究一站式物流服務所提出之發展概念與推行建議,透過物流業者之仿效與發展,以協助國內當今產業物流突破現行運籌服務模式之瓶頸與缺失,提升於產業供應鏈中之核心競爭力與價值,進而獲其更為優化之運籌服務模式及營業利潤。


With the global supply chain competitiveness, partners in supply chain which not only benefit themselves, but also must consider the efficient operation of the entire supply chain. Therefore, how to integrate all the services and related information is getting more important. Many enterprises have regarded logistics as the core competence of their corporate strategy, improving the quality of logistic services and integrating the comprehensive services to enhance their competitive advantage. However, the current logistics industries have encountered some limitations and bottlenecks in the operational model of industries, such as transportation efficiency, information transparency and the lack of integration between material, information and cash flows. Therefore, the operations of most manufacturing supply chain still have room for improvement. In this research, a new concept of “one-stop” logistic services is proposed to provide solutions for enterprises with more integral and comprehensive services, meanwhile, it expects to improve the operational efficiency and enhance the competitiveness. This research summarizes the exact definition, scope and operational mode of the one-stop logistics services. In addition, the process models are constructed by the different needs and service model to provide for the logistics industries a developing reference. There are four divided models, which conclude respectively from Model 0 to Model 3. Furthermore, the survey of enterprises and logistics industries is conducted, verifying the importance and requirements of one-stop logistics service. This research also uses Income4 as the tool for the process design, model construction and simulation. The study collects the related data from the case company, using field data to express the logistics service model and process. Finally, the simulation is run to evaluate the benefits and difference between the as-is and to-be models. This research develops an innovative logistic solution with efficiency and customization, which hopes to help the current industrial logistics solve the current unsatisfied needs and make the logistic services more competitive and valuable.


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