  • 學位論文


Using Patent Analysis to Analyze Offshore Wind Power Industries and the Development of Critical Firms

指導教授 : 張瑞芬


許多國家對於離岸風力發電(Offshore Wind Power, OWP)發展成為新再生能源有非常高度的期待,目前台灣也開始著手發展OWP,本研究將著重於以系統化分析方法探討離岸風力發電之技術,並且運用文件探勘與資料探勘技術從全球專利資料庫中,將所有相關的專利文件進行檢索與收集,以專利探勘技術及其多元觀點來進行領域分析。本研究先建構一個以OWP技術為基之本體論(Ontology),以利辨識離岸風力發電技術領域之結構與主要技術間之關係,而本體論之建置將從專利文件中,自動且動態地擷取關鍵詞彙,並經由專家對詞彙進行驗證而產生。為了快速掌握OWP關鍵技術,本研究所參考的專利指標包含專利類型、專利年齡、Claim項、專利要件、IPC分類與專利權人類型,運用專利指標所挑選出的重點專利,基於專利地圖分析所提供之相關資訊,將OWP專利技術之知識建立完成。接著進行技術生命週期之評估與技術功效矩陣分析,以了解離岸風力發電技術之發展重點與趨勢,將清楚地辨識相關子技術之研發機會與潛能,並進一步針對歐洲離岸風力之領導廠商作深入分析,最後比較台灣廠商與全球大廠間彼此之競爭優勢,以探討進入該領域的發展策略,期望經由本研究之OWP專利分析可以幫助台灣廠商提升在離岸風力發電產業之發展機會及競爭力,早日達成綠色能源之實現。


Some countries have put their efforts into developing offshore wind power (OWP), particularly when the countries are surrounded with coastlines. Taiwan, being an island, has also stated to explore the opportunities and solutions in installing OWP. This research emphasizes on systematically studying OWP technology innovations by dynamically extracting and analyzing patent trends from global patent databases. All related OWP patents are searched, collected and analyzed using advanced text and data mining techniques. First, the research constructs an OWP ontology to identify the OWP technological structure and the core concepts. Then, the OWP ontology is enhanced using frequently appeared key phrases text mined from patent documents and verified by domain experts. The research uses some indicators in order to select the important patents. For instance, the patent types, the patent ages, claims, IPC codes, and assignee types are among the indicators for identifying higher quality OWP patents. The technology and functional distributions of these important patents are mapped out OWP innovations. Both OWP's technology life cycle and technology-function matrix are analyzed. The leading OWP and their technology niches are studied. The potentials and opportunities of OWP development can be clearly identified in specific sub-domains with reliable measures. The research hopes to help Taiwan’s OWP firms promote their competitive technologies with the comparative patent analytic results.


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