  • 學位論文


Hostile Environment Sexual Harassment in the Sexual Harassment Prevention Act:A Study on the Freedom of Speech

指導教授 : 陳仲嶙


性騷擾防治法是一部全面防治性騷擾的專法,相較於早先的性別工作平等法與性別平等教育法,它不只擴大了對性騷擾的打擊範圍,也提高了行為人的法律責任;此舉凸顯了其中敵意環境性騷擾的憲法問題。敵意環境性騷擾可以單純透過言論的方式完成,因此對敵意環境性騷擾的規範會限制他人的言論自由,而有從憲法保障言論自由的角度加以檢視的必要。 本文參酌美國實務及學說上的經驗,擷取其對敵意工作/教育環境性騷擾與言論自由間的討論及處理方式,再加上已被建立的言論自由理論基礎與體系內涵,以此展開對性騷擾防治法敵意環境性騷擾的合憲性分析。 本文發現,性騷擾防治法對敵意環境言論性騷擾的規定不夠明確,尤其在對言論限制的高標準要求下,與法律明確性原則未盡相符;此外,系爭規定的立法目的不甚清楚,本文認為僅有「消除性別歧視」與「免於成為性言論的俘虜」屬於重大急迫的政府利益,而在這兩大目的之下,條文規定的構成要件中亦只有「不當影響其工作、教育、訓練、服務、計畫、活動或正常生活之進行」一項可說是為了消弭性別歧視所設計的最小侵害的手段,其餘則略顯寬泛。因此,系爭規定在形式上與實質上都有違憲的跡象;本文建議,立法者可以重新定位立法目的並調整法條文字與手段,或者另起爐灶制定騷擾法。


The Sexual Harassment Prevention Act is particularly enacted to prevent sexual harassment extensively. Compared to the two earlier-enacted laws - the Act of Gender Equality in Employment and the Gender Equity Education Act, it not only expands the scope of prohibition but also increases the liabilities of the harasser. In doing so, the Constitutional issues of the Act are promptly raised. Since the hostile environment sexual harassment included in the Act can be simply done by speech, the prohibition of the hostile environment sexual harassment will inevitably raise the concerns about the freedom of speech. Therefore, the purpose of this article is to go through the prohibition of hostile environment sexual harassment from the perspective of the freedom of speech. This article firstly reviews the development of the First Amendment topics of the hostile working/educational environment sexual harassment in the United States, and secondly adopts the established doctrines of the freedom of speech, and then examines the constitutionality of the hostile environment sexual harassment in the Sexual Harassment Prevention Act. This article argues that under the high-level requirement of legal certainty, the statute is too vague to be foreseeable or to offer an enforcement standard. Besides, the legislative purposes of the law are not clear. This article only finds two legislative purposes that are compelling - to eradicate sexual discrimination and to protect people from becoming the captives of the unwanted sexual remarks. On the basis of these two purposes, this article, again, only finds part of the statute narrowly tailored to achieve one of the goals. As a result, the statute is unconstitutional. This article suggests a rethinking and modification of the current law, or to make laws aiming at overall harassments.


