  • 學位論文


The Commercialization Strategy in Entrepreneurial Universities: The Cases of National Tsing Hua University and National Chiao Tung University

指導教授 : 張元杰


大學的第三使命─透過發展研究商業化活動加強對經濟社會的貢獻。在相關的法令通過後,大學商業化的活動日漸興盛。過去文獻多在大學環境體制、組織和人員文化的變革,加強大學朝創業型大學發展。然而,對於創業型大學的商業化活動,缺乏其本身的商業化策略(專利活動、產學合作、技術移轉、創新育成)的探討,例如:如何執行運作、如何相互配合等。因此,本研究透過次集資料蒐集、專家訪談,以國立清華大學和國立交通大學兩校個案為例,進行創業型大學商業化策略的探討。 創業型大學在發展商業化活動時,深受到環境因素的差異影響。國立清華大學在提倡學術卓越、研究自主的前提下,研究人員從事的研究比較缺乏明確的商業化共識,從事產學合作的進入障礙相對較低。因此,清大的商業化策略是以產學合作做為驅動力,透過較長的商業化活動週期,發揮其深且遠的商業化效益。再者,國立交通大學在其過去校園文化與發展歷史下,具有較高商業化共識,組織和體制提供許多商業化的資源。在師生、校友都積極參與的狀況下,所發展出的四項商業化策略是均衡發展的形式,透過快速回應產業與市場需求,為區域產業創新與創業提供重要的驅動力量。 綜合本研究發現,本研究以為創業型大學在發展商業化策略時,應依循學校背景發展自己的特色,因應環境因素的差別,選擇合適商業化活動策略。無論採取那一種策略,良好研究商業化活動的發展,都有助於大學在各面向的成長,如商業化共識、教學活動、研究活動等。 關鍵字:創業型大學、商業化策略、技術移轉、產學合作


The concept of entrepreneurial university, contributing in economy and society, is more and more valued after reforming the related institutional contexts. Entrepreneurial universities take researches or knowledge as commercial value putted on the market. The literature emphasized more on how environment makes commercialization activities worked. However, there are less discussion on what kinds of the commercialization strategies in campus are. This research pay more attention to how to operate and integrate commercialization strategies in entrepreneurial universities, including, University-Industry collaboration, technology transfer, and business incubation, studied with data collection, interview, and case study to investigate NTHU and NCTU. We found that the commercialization strategies are deeply influenced by the environmental contexts. The ones in NTHU concentrating on academic excellence and faculty autonomy are driven by U-I collaboration. The ones in NCTU with high consensus of contributing industry are developed in patents, U-I collaboration, technology transfer, and business incubation in balance. The commercial strategy in entrepreneurial university should develop their characteristic by their background and different factors of environment. In addition, the strategy to put academic knowledge on the market should be revised by their environment and business strategies to approach their goal. Keyword: entrepreneurial university, commercialization strategies, technology transfer, University-Industry collaboration


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