  • 學位論文


Sentence-final Particles in Taiwanese Southern Min: Their semantic properties, pragmatic functions and syntactic analysis

指導教授 : 連金發


本論文旨在討論台灣閩南語句尾助詞的核心語義(core meaning)、語用功能及句法上的左緣結構(left periphery)與分解補語連接詞組(split complimentizer phrase)的交互作用。句尾助詞是位於句尾的詞素(sentence-final morpheme),屬言談助詞(discourse particle)的次類,兩者在語法上同屬未明確定義的語言項(linguistic item),其共同特徵是可用來標記言談的分節(segment of discourse),或是引導交談者(interlocutor)理解言談分節段落之間的文脈關係。本文將句尾助詞視作為多功能性(multifunctionality),多重語用功能是由核心語義在不同的語境參數中延伸的交互應用。本文研究發現喇、嗬、咧的語意核心分別為論斷(assertion)、確認(confirmation)、設想(assumption)。此外,本文將閩南語句尾助詞的句法投射分成兩種,即位階較低的句尾助詞(SFP1)與位階較低的句尾助詞(SFP2),並主張SFP1用來反映句尾助詞與施為語勢(illocutionary force)的關係,並可串連起句尾助詞和句式類型(clause type)的相容性,而SFP2的出現是為了表現連帶語氣(simultaneous force)。連帶語氣是一種蘊含在施為語勢之上的附加語氣,無法單獨存在,且只能用來強化說話者的交談態度,或弱化說話者的交談意圖,因此SFP2更靠近言談層面的位置。


The article discusses the three sentence-final particles (SFPs) in Taiwanese Southern Min (TSM): hoonn3/honnh4, lah4, and leh4. The three SFPs have been recognized as discourse particles lacking lexical meaning. In this thesis, the core meaning of SFPs as a source of pragmatic functions and extended discursive uses has been proposed to account for multifunctionality and polysemy in SFPs. The semantic cores of SFP as exemplified by hoonn3/honnh4, lah4, and leh4 have been specified respectively as CONFIRMATION, ASSERTION and ASSUMPTION. Syntacticaly, SFPs have been previously perceived as complementizers occupying the C position. However, with the phenomenon of clustering and co-occurrence, it is argued the split-complimentizer phrase in the left pheriphery can be further fine-grained into illocutionary force phrase (ILLP) and clause-type phrase(CTP) (Coniglio & Zegrean 2010). Accordingly, we propose a double layered projection in TSM to account for the lower SFP1 and the higher SFP2, where SFP1 display an interaction between illocutionary force and clause type, while SFP2 implies the proposed simultaneous force, an additional projection that demonstrates the speaker-oriented attitude on the discourse level.


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