  • 學位論文

閩南語微量構式的形成和語意句法特徵— 以一點(仔)為例

The formation and syntactic/ semantic characteristics of minimizing constructions in Southern Min: A case study of tsit8 tiam2 (a2)

指導教授 : 連金發


本文旨透過明清戲文、日治時期的台灣語學雜誌《語苑》以及現代閩南語的語料探討閩南語常見微量構式「一點(仔) tsit8 tiam2 (a2)」在不同時期的表現。並藉由「構式語法」和「語法化」的理論應用,討論其語法結構和語意在共時和歷時的演變。 首先,「點」原為類別詞(classifier),在微量構式的名詞組結構中,前面的數詞僅限於「一tsit8」,不能是其他數詞,且後常接小稱詞綴(diminutive suffix) 「a2」。名詞組中的名詞可以是具象的或抽象的,但絕大部分是不能表量的不可數名詞。另外,「一點」前也可和指示詞連用成為「這點tsit8 tiam2/彼點hit8 tiam2」,而「有一點u7 tsit8 tiam2」則表存在微量的用法。否定結構常見兩種:「無bo5+一點+ NP」和「一點+NP+Focus+無bo5」,我們發現前者常見在日治時期之前,後者則多出現在現代閩南語,可見其句法位置上的演變。最後,在現代閩南語中還有一特殊結構「khah4+X+一點」,且閩南語其他同樣表達微量的詞語中,如「一絲tsit8-si4- a2」、「一屑tsit8-su4-a2」等,也有著與上述「一點」相同的語法結構,顯示閩南語微量構式在共時的語法上呈現似乎相同。 本文另外的重點在討論「一點」屬於否定極詞(Negative Polarity Item),在賓語位置用否定詞認可,若在賓語位移至動詞前則需其他焦點認可。為了補足構式語法可能無法詳盡解釋「一點」在共時和歷時中出現不同句法位置的現象,在此,我們利用擴充映射理論(Extended Mapping Hypothesis)來做解釋。「一點」的微量構式除了常見名詞組,後漸轉用於副詞組做修飾。在「khah4+X+一點」的結構中,根據Israel (2001)說明極性詞本身就是等級模式的運符(operator),而在閩南語中「khah4」是比較運符,後面的X必接表等級的語意成分,我們利用語用蘊含(Pragmatic entailment)是為等級邏輯(Fauconnier, 1975a-b)的概念來檢視「一點」,認為「一點」在等級模式中的語意為表達「程度或量的實際值須較預設值為小,較初始值為大」的微量增量效果。最後,透過不同時期的語料,我們企圖用語法化來解釋「一點(仔)」在歷時上的演變。 本文第一章節為引言;第二章介紹前人的文獻和理論介紹;第三章開始整理「一點(仔)」的各種結構,包含「一點(仔)」的微量構式,並簡單介紹其他閩南語表達微量意思的詞語一併對照;第四章討論微量構式中「一點(仔)」在否定結構和含「khah4」的比較結構;第五章探討「一點(仔)」的語法化;第六章為結語。


The paper aim at exploring the case of 一點(仔) tsit8 tiam2 (a2) in the minimizing construction based on earlier Southern Min playscripts Li jing ji, Go-en, a Taiwanese-learning periodicals published in the Japanese period, and modern Southern Min texts. I mainly deal with the minimizing construction in noun phrases. The minimizer tiam2 evolves from its former existence as a classifier denoting a little drop of liquid. When it becomes a full-fledged minimal quantifier, the numeral it combines with can only be tsit8 ‘one’. There are two structures in negative, “bo5+ tsit8 tiam2+ NP” and “tsit8 tiam2+NP+Focus+ bo5”. Also, we found the former is seen in Go-en, and the latter usually seen in modern Southern Min texts that display the difference of structures from diachronic perspective. Moreover, the structure, which is commonly shown in Southern Min texts, “khah4+X+ tsit8 tiam2”, shares the same structure and semantic meaning with other minimizer like “tsit8-si4-a2” and “tsit8-su4-a2”. It denotes minimizing construction tends to behave the same from synchronic perspective. I also suggest that the minimizer tsit8 tiam2 is a negative polarity item (NPI) and it require focus in addition to negation in both subject and fronted-object positions. This can be explained by the Extended Mapping Hypothesis. Following Israel (2001), NPI can be an operator in scalar model. Thus, we considered tsit8 tiam2 as an scalar operator and the structure of “khah4+X+ tsit8 tiam2” develops the adverbial function to modify scalar adjectives. It also implies “the amount or the degree is less than the default but more than the initial value.” Last, there is a brief discussion about the development of grammaticalization of tsit8 tiam2. In short, the development of the minimizing construction maps the grammaticalization routes of historical change and partially demonstrates language universal.


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