  • 學位論文


The Differential Impact of the Motives of Running on Resilience and Quality of Life in Middle-Aged Runners

指導教授 : 李昆樺


運動在提高中年者的生活品質和心理適應上有積極的影響並在文獻中也有充分記載,然而很少有研究關注不同的跑步動機對心理適應和生活品質的影響。本研究目的在四種跑步動機(身體健康動機、社會動機、成就動機和心理動機)對中年跑者韌性和生活品質的差異情況, 以期了解跑步型態對於提高跑者身心影響之程度。 透過網路招募201名中年跑者(40-64歲),在知情同意後完成四項問卷: Motivations of Marathoners Scales (MOMS)、過去三個月跑步相關行為調查、Connor-Davidson Resilience Scale (CD-RISC)以及WHOQOL-BREF台灣版的生活品質量表。藉由描述性統計來分析參與的人口和跑步相關變項,並進行獨立樣本T檢驗,分別比較高低跑步頻率、高低跑步量及性別在身體健康動機、心理動機、成就動機、社會動機、韌性和生活品質的差異性。 研究發現177名有效參與者其平均年齡為44.4(SD =.572),男性105人佔59.3%,女性72人佔40.7%,大學(大專)或研究所畢業佔91.5%。每週高跑步頻率組平均值為5.42(SD =.49),高跑步量組是44.28公里(SD =11.75);每週低跑步頻率組平均值為2.13(SD =.99),低跑步量組是13.33公里(SD =4.74);四項跑步動機中以身體健康動機有最高平均值5.12(SD =.99),第二高平均值是心理動機4.60(SD = 1.26); 韌性平均值3.03(SD =.622),生活品質平均值2.82 (SD =.43)。成就動機在跑步頻率上比其它動機高;成就和社會動機在跑量上比其它動機高;男性比女性較注重成就和社會動機;在頻率、跑量及性別比較時,韌性和生活品質沒有顯著影響。 本研究結果不僅支持運動於提升生活品質有所有幫助,更進一步的指出對於提升生活品質,追求健康是中年跑者之主要動機,此外,對於中年跑者而言,在跑步中與人際互動似乎有助於提升跑步的路程,但對於追求成就感之跑者而言,則更著重於跑步的頻次與路程,此比較也反映出性別上的差異,相較於女性跑者,男性跑者更強調參與跑步的社交關係及跑步後帶來的成就感。受到研究設計之限制、跑者收案的限制,建議未來應以縱貫研究和大樣本研究進行驗證。


The positive impact of physical activity on promotion of quality of life and psychological adaptation among middle-aged population were well documented in literature. Motivation is an important factor to maintain regular exercise. The purpose of this study is to examine the differences among four running motives (physical health motives, social motives, achievement motives and psychological motives) on resilience and quality of life in middle-aged runners in order to recognize the effects of improving physical and mental health in different running types. 201 runners (aged 40-64 years) was recruited from online survey. After informed consent, the participants completed the package of questionnaires: Motivations of Marathoners Scales, personalized running behavior survey, 10-Item Connor Davidson Resilience Scale, and WHOQOL-BREF Taiwan Version. The distributions of demographic data and running related variables were analyzed by descriptive analysis. The independent sample T-test was conducted to compare four running motives, resilience and quality of life in high and low frequency , high and low volume and gender respectively. There were 177 effective participants, male=105(59.3%), female=72 (40.7%), graduated from university (college) or graduate school counted 91.5%. The mean of high frequency was 5.42 times/week (SD =.49); high volume was 44.28 km/week (SD =11.75); the mean of low frequency was 2.13 times/week (SD =.99); low volume was 13.33 km/week (SD = 4.74); physical health motives had the highest mean 5.12 (SD =.99); resilience was 3.03(SD = .622); quality of life was 2.82 (SD =.43). Achievement motives is higher than other motives in frequency; achievement and social motives are higher than other motives in volume; male runners focus more on achievement and social motives; no significant effect in comparing frequency, volume and gender on resilience and quality of life. The results confirm exercise can improve quality of life and find out the main motive is to improve quality of life and health. In addition, socializing with other runners could make the runners run longer distance during running, achievement motives runners spend more time in frequency and volume, and male runners focus more on achievement and socializing. Due to the limitation of study design and participants, we suggest longitudinal studies and larger sample could be warranted in the future.


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