  • 學位論文

COVID-19疫情期間部署於行動裝置的生態瞬時評估法: 系統性文獻回顧與設計意涵

Ecological Momentary Assessment Deployed on Mobile Device During the COVID-19 Pandemic: Systematic Review and Design Implications

指導教授 : 曾元琦


生態瞬時評估法(Ecological Momentary Assessment,簡稱EMA)是一種透過不斷重複、即時取樣使用者特定情境當下的體驗,藉此了解使用者想法、行為及其動態變化的研究方法,此方法可被應用在行動健康照護、人機互動以及心理學等領域。EMA發展行之有年,許多回顧文獻已探討其方法、技術可行性以及各領域的應用現況。然而有研究指出對於EMA之期許與系統實質成效之間仍有落差,只有少部分回顧文獻針對其提出明確的設計準則或策略可供遵循;此外,現今將EMA部署於行動裝置上雖帶來新的研究契機,同時也衍生許多新的挑戰與議題,同時COVID-19疫情在2021年持續對全球造成衝擊,對人們造成的生、心理及行為影響仍有待深入且充分的探究。因此本研究遵循PRISMA (Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses) 報告準則,採用系統性文獻回顧方法,以特定關鍵字組合在PubMed、ACM Digital Library以及Web of Science-Core Selection三個電子資料庫進行檢索,歸納搜尋篩選結果的25篇論文中,人們在疫情期間受影響的行為及身心變化,並聚焦在這些行動裝置上EMA的協議、研究目的、設計特徵、與使用者的互動機制、介入策略以及研究成效,整理分類及比較後匯總成部署在行動裝置上的EMA設計策略以及疫情期間人們所受的影響。本研究除了綜述人們在疫情期間受到的身心及行為影響,整理出的設計策略將可作為往後研究者在欲採用行動裝置搭配EMA來研究人們行為時的參考,提醒部署EMA於行動裝置上時需面臨的注意事項,依照不同應用情境或不同研究族群來調整EMA的抽樣協議、找到適合的機制或介入策略以最大化數據有效性及遵從性。最後提出疫情期間衍生的特殊議題,為往後研究發展的方向、拓展新的研究可能;同時點出可能降低這類EMA研究可推論性及可詮釋性的限制並提出改善建議,為往後採用EMA的研究者提供可遵循的參考報告準則。


Ecological momentary assessment has long been proclaimed to possess the potential to transform mobile health, psychology, and human computer interaction research and design practice. User’s thoughts, behaviors and psychological states over time can be understood through repeated and real-time sampling of the self-report of experience in daily life. There is little specific guidance or design strategy, however, on the practices of EMA deployed on mo-bile device. At the same time, some studies have argued that the gap between the expectations of EMA and the actual effectiveness of the system still remains. Besides, the impact of the COVID-19 outbreak on people’s physical and mental health have not been completely investi-gated. Following PRISMA (Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses) guidelines, an interdisciplinary narrative literature review (n=25) on PubMed, ACM Digital Library and Web of Science-Core Selection is conducted in July 2020 to explore and analyze the mechanisms, results, user interactions and intervention effects of the EMA method-ology, as well as the design features and characteristics of the EMA protocols. With the findings from present review, the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on people is extracted and catego-rized, while the designers of EMA technologies will be able to implement context-appropriate features, sampling protocols and mechanisms, and adopt suitable design strategy or interven-tions when facing different demographic group in pursuit of both the adherence of users and the data validity. One insight from this review suggest that in order to identify best practices for EMA methodology, more standardized EMA reporting is needed. Missing key information about EMA protocols might lead to misinterpretation of results, therefore reduce the interpretability and the generalizability. Besides, several emerging issues about COVID-19 pandemic were iden-tified and could be addressed in future research. To conclude, this study may be of importance in explaining the relationship between people’s reaction and the COVID-19 pandemic, as well as providing EMA researchers and designers with a better understanding of the implication of EMA design features and intervention strategy deployed on mobile device in order to maximize adherence and data validity.


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