  • 學位論文


A Microfluidic Device for the Automatic Trapping and Rotation of Embryos

指導教授 : 劉承賢


近年來除了先天性的原因,現代人生活的不良習慣越來越普遍與複雜,使得不孕症發生的機率有越來越高的趨勢。根據統計,不孕症的發生率約15%,大約7對夫婦就有一對有不孕症的問題,而治療不孕症的方法就是通過體外受精,也就是試管嬰兒,相關的議題越來越所被關注,特別是體外人工受精需要大量且複雜的人工操作,而根據統計台灣的試管嬰兒的存活率只有27.4%,但是提高胚胎品質的控制因素有限,且需要繁複的人工操作,因此如何才能提升胚胎的品質就成為了未來主要的研究方向。 本研究的目標主要通用微流體的技術,整合自動定位、動態灌流,建造體外輸卵管的培養環境等之多功能輸卵管晶片。利用流阻抓取的設計成功地抓取胚胎在晶片的微結構上,並且針對性地給予胚胎滾動之物理刺激,此滾動物理刺激類似於輸卵管之環境。同時我們利用晶片流道上設計標記以評估胚胎運動速度。配合上注射幫浦的流速控制使胚胎在晶片上貼附滾動,從而達到控制胚胎在晶片裡的速度為500μm/min。此外搭配上動態灌流功能適時地帶走代謝廢棄物,用以提高胚胎培養品質。此晶片完成了整合自動化的設計,大大地減少不必要的人為操作對胚胎造成之影響。


In recent years, in addition to congenital reasons, the bad habits of modern life become more common and complex. The incidence of infertility comes to about 15%, which means that every 1 out of 7 couples has the problem of infertility. In vitro fertilization (IVF), also named test tube baby, is the most common way of treating infertility. Unfortunately, in vitro artificial insemination requires complicated manual operation. The statistic results indicate that the survival rate of test tube baby is only 27.4%. Improving the quality of the embryo becomes a major research topic now. In this research, many microfluidics technologies, including automatic positioning, dynamic perfusion, in vitro bionic uterine culture environment, are integrated into this uterine chip. First, the embryos were captured via the design of the specific microfluidic structure. Then the physical stimulation and the rotation induced by the shear force were applied to mimic the environment of the fallopian tube. The rotation of embryos on chip were achieved with the translational speed of 500μm/min under the pump velocity control. The dynamic perfusion was also applied to flush the metabolic waste away and provide the required nutrition for cell culture. Our chip has the potential feature targeting for greatly reducing the impact of unnecessary human manipulation during IVF.


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