  • 學位論文


Application of the Dynamic-Relaxation Method on the Vector Form Intrinsic Finite Element Method

指導教授 : 莊清鏘


向量式有限元原本是做結構動力問題模擬,對於靜力部份則是倚靠質量阻尼係數進行消散動能來求得靜力解,雖然靜力解的結果不會落差很多,但是計算時間上卻是極度耗時,質量阻尼係數的選取也是無任何參考依據,這是向量式有限元為人詬病的缺點,為此本研究引入大部份索網結構找形分析都會用的動力鬆弛法來進行靜力模擬。 本研究在引入動力鬆弛法時並未沿用其運動控制方程來進行,只透過其基本概念:當結構總動能達最大時,將所有速度分量設置為零,並依此情形下重新開始運動,反覆至總動能趨近於零,即視為此結構已達靜力平衡並立即終止計算;藉由此觀念並依照向量式有限元本身的計算機制來求得靜力解,在靜力模擬時間效率上有大幅度提昇,並且精確度也足夠與原靜力解比擬,更避開了質量阻尼係數的參數選取問題。


Vector Form Intrinsic Finite Element is originally used in structural dynamics. For the solutions of the static, it uses the damper mass to dissipating dynamic energy. The solutions' and the analytical solution are about the same accuracy, but is a time-consuming operation. The coefficient of the damper mass without any rule, that let Vector Form Intrinsic Finite Element be challenged. The study use the method of Dynamic-Relaxation to solve this problem. The study just use the concept of Dynamic-Relaxation method, don't follow its motion equation of the d'Alembert principle. When the structural's dynamic energy is maximum, let all the velocity components be set to zero and begin to move again in this situation. The structural's dynamic energy close to zero that has static equilibrium, and let the program be stop. It has improved significantly in the static simulation time efficiency and accuracy, but also to avoid the problem that the damper mass parameter's selection.


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