  • 學位論文


A Study of Human Resources Practices for Migrant Workers in Taiwan's Manufacturing Industry

指導教授 : 邱雅萍


臺灣於1980年代之後,產業結構的變化由勞力密集走向技術與資本密集產業,而以製造業工資水準影響最大,由於臺灣出生率降低,人口高齡化,國民教育程度提高,比較不願意從事具有危險性高(Danger)、困難(Difficult)、骯髒(Dirty)有著3D稱號的製造產業,政府有鑑於此在1992年開始引進外籍移工。製造業對於外籍移工的需求日益擴增,對於管理上之問題因而產生外籍移工逃跑事件而引發社會之疑慮。本研究之目的:在於探討外籍移工管理成效,包含提升外籍移工工作穩定度、減少職場衝突、使外籍移工感受組織重視與關懷,進而達到助人行為以提高組織生產力。 本研究流程以資料蒐集與分析,研讀文獻參考後,以人力資源管理功能探討企業外籍移工管理成效之研究主題,過去學者的研究以量化研究分析為主,本研究經由文獻探討之後針對外籍移工需求,進行質化研究訪談企業人資主管,並篩選受訪之企業與設計訪談題綱,進行深度訪談,最後整理訪談資料,做出結論與回饋。 研究結果發現:企業在不同組織特徵之下,對於教育與訓練方面,職前訓練企業採行公司原有管理規章、工作說明書和翻譯說明書,並且明確揭示公司的規章與各項福利制度說明,杜絕外籍移工對管理制度不熟悉而引發管控問題或衝突。少數企業針對績效評核來遴選留聘者並給予職涯培訓。 在薪資與福利方面,企業重視外籍移工居住無虞並提供宿舍安排,其管理方式由企業與仲介共同管理。雖然薪資福利方面薪資組成結構與本國勞工相符,但薪資仍有落差,故外籍移工並未享有與本國勞工相同的薪資福利制度。 在工作安排與職場關係方面,企業主落實定期召開外籍移工座談會,委請仲介在場溝通與協商,外籍移工若有各項職場問題可與仲介聯繫或是經由公司申訴管道進行申訴亦能直接聯繫人資,多數企業人資部門會於第一時間輔導處理,促使勞資關係和諧工作勝任愉快;受訪之六家企業中皆實施混合工作編組模式,由資深外籍移工擔任工作指導員,混合工作編模式在職場中較少有衝突,是多數企業皆表示外籍移工與本國勞工在職場關係中相處模式最為融洽。 關鍵字:外籍移工、人力資源管理措施、混合工作編組


Since the 1980s, Taiwan’s industrial structure has shifted from labor-intensive to technology and capital-intensive industries, which greatly impacted the wages of the manufacturing industry. Due to Taiwan’s low birth rate, aging population, and high education level, Taiwanese people are less willing to engage in dangerous、difficult, and dirty jobs in the manufacturing industry. Because of this, the government began to introduce foreign workers in 1992. The manufacturing industry’s demand for foreign workers is increasing day by day, but management problems have caused foreign workers to escape, causing social problems. The purpose of this research is to explore the effectiveness of foreign work management, including improving the stability of foreign workers, reducing workplace conflicts, making foreign workers feel the organization's attention and care, and generating helpful behaviors to improve organizational productivity. The research process starts with data collection and analysis. After thorough research of the available literature, I decided to focus my research on the three functions of human resource management, discussing the effectiveness of corporate migrant workers management. Past research studies often used quantitative analysis, whereas this research is based on the findings of various studies to better understand the needs of migrant workers. This is followed by developing an interview practice with human resource managers using a qualitative research method. Afterward, I selected companies and created interview questions. The final step included in-depth interviews with the previously selected companies. The interview data was later processed and organized to give conclusions and feedback. Due to the diverse characteristics of organizations, industries have different approaches to education and training of employees, pre-employment training companies used the company’s original management rules and translated work manuals. These manuals aim to clearly describe the company’s rules and its welfare system. Hence migrant workers won’t be unfamiliar with the management system. The lack of such materials would lead to various problems and conflicts. After selecting candidates, only a small number of companies provide career training based on performance appraisal. Regarding salary and welfare management, companies pay more attention to providing and arranging dormitories for migrant workers to live in. The company and the agency manage this method. Although the salary in the job description is equal to domestic workers' salary, there is still a gap in the salary algorithm, so migrant workers do not have the same income and welfare system as the domestic workers. Companies have implemented regular migrant symposiums and invited intermediaries to communicate and negotiate on the spot in terms of work arrangements and workplace relations. If migrant workers have any requests, they can contact the intermediary or make complaints through the company’s platform for reporting grievances. Most of the corporate human resources staff will immediately guide migrant workers and try to solve their problems as soon as possible. As a result, the labor-management relationship in the workplace becomes harmonized. The six interviewed companies all implement a mixed work grouping model, where senior foreign workers work as work instructors. This mixed model is less conflict in the workplace, and most companies say that foreign and domestic workers get along well in their workplace relations. Keywords: Migrant Workers, Human Resources Practices, Mixed Work Grouping


