  • 學位論文


A Study on the Life and Work Adjustments of Foreign Migrant Workers.

指導教授 : 張阜民


本篇論文研究,或許没有深奧的學術用詞,也没有高深難懂專業理論用語,但卻是研究生個人從中小企業單一職場15年加上自身創業13年,從與外籍移工相處工作到身為公司管理者的實務經驗,面對近年來缺工日益嚴重,讓研究生深深體會外籍移工對傳统中小企業的重要性,也舖陳了研究生動筆研究的動機,唯有徹底了解外籍移工的背景需求才能做最大的關懷與照顧,進而讓移工有充份的自信,發揮移工在臺的價值,更能創造勞資雙贏,本研究針對三個國籍的移工作問卷調查並經由數據分析所產生的結果,找來外籍移工針對顯著性差異做質性訪談以確切了解,並分析如何滿足不同國籍的移工對工作上及生活上的需求,留置移工到最大年限以達到使企業減少訓練成本,減少重工與報廢,提高效率讓企業更有競爭力。 調查分析結果發現各國移工的差異性,有些移工在共產環境下長大造就了計較、不合作、怕被取代,但身上卻有與華人的特質,聰明、學習能力高、靈活如越南籍移工,但也是在臺逃逸人數最高的國籍。而有些是細心、工作認真、負責任,但卻因過度細心、負責、而變成窒礙難行,相對也造成管理者的負擔如印尼移工。而有些移工生性隨合、懶散、愛喝酒、衞生習慣也不好,卻可以做較為辛苦、骯髒、粗重不用過於思考的工作,如泰籍移工,相對較為安逸不易逃跑,使泰籍移工成為企業優先選項。


Though there may not be profound academic terms or deep theoretical language which is deep and difficult to understand in this thesis, it represents the practical experience of a graduate student with 15 years of experience with a small and medium-sized enterprise and 13 years of experience in his own business, starting from working with foreign migrant workers to being a company manager. During the growing shortage of workers in recent years, I can deeply feel the importance of foreign migrant workers to small and medium-sized traditionalist enterprises, and this becomes the motive for this research. Only with a thorough understanding of foreign migrant workers’ backgrounds and needs, can we offer the greatest care, and then make the migrant workers have sufficient self-confidence and contribute their values in and to Taiwan, so as to create a win-win situation between labor and capital. In this study, a questionnaire survey was conducted on foreign migrant workers of three nationalities, and based on the data analysis results, the foreign migrant workers were interviewed on the significant differences in a qualitative manner for an in-depth understanding. In addition, an analysis was performed concerning how to meet the work and life needs of foreign migrant workers of difficult nationalities, as well as the maximum number of years for foreign migrant workers’ retention in order to reduce the enterprise’s training costs, work duplication and turnover, as well as to improve the enterprise’s efficiency and competitiveness. The results of the survey show that there are differences in foreign migrant workers of difficult nationalities. Some of them, such as Vietnamese workers who represent the highest percentage of escaping migrant workers in Taiwan, grew up in a communist environment which resulted in their personality of being calculating, non-cooperative and afraid of being replaced, but they also possess the Chinese characteristics of being smart, quick in learning and flexible. Some of them, such as Indonesia migrant workers, are careful, hard-working and responsible, but constrain themselves to an excessive extent, and thus causing a burden to the management. Some migrant workers, such as those from Thailand, have an easy-going and laid-back personality, love to drink and do not have good sanitation habits, but are willing to do hard, dirty and heavy work that does not require much thinking. Thai migrant workers are relatively casual and do not escape easily, making them a priority for enterprises.


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