  • 學位論文


How the Residents Live in the Faith? A Preliminary Study of Zion Sacred Site in Kaohsiung

指導教授 : 曾慶豹


由於新約教會信仰,生活型態,教育及文化各方面如同美國的阿米什人,高雄市小林區有一群人過著與世隔絕的生活,自稱為「新約教會」或較為人知的「錫安山」,鮮有學者對其深入研究,且少數研究已年代久遠。本文從教歷史發展、組織架構、生活型態、教育及特有文化等面相之文獻資料加以統整,以期能進一步瞭解全貌。 「新約教會」起源於香港女星梅綺自稱聖靈受感,強調「血、水、聖靈」才是正統的「全備真理」。傳入台灣後以洪三期為首聚集於小林區,並稱該地為聖山,並且在全國和外國皆有類似方式之「聖別地」。信徒生活日出而作、日落而息,以家庭為居住單位,過著共同生活。飲食方面自給自足,常食用生菜,或發展有機農業,部份外銷給觀光客,物資集中後統一分配,凡物公用,有如一大家庭,其大家長為洪三期或名洪以利亞,學齡兒童以「神本教育」為其教育政策,教學內容以聖經、音樂、生活技能為主。管理組織層級中以洪以利亞為最高領導人,信徒稱「阿公」,由於洪以利亞已屆古稀之年,未來接班人選是新約教會當前面臨重要之挑戰。其下有「基督靈恩佈道團」、史麗珠、聖別地負責人等。文化方面注重經節中的數字並賦予意義,與一般習慣不同不慶祝聖誕節與復活節但行住棚節、踰越節,有自己的旗幟、「大印」、符號、口號。 有鑑於前揭特點與一般基督教會大相逕庭,未來有待各方學者以專業背景做進一步的研究。


錫安山 新約教會


Due to various New Testament Church(NTC), lifestyle, education and culture as American Amish, Kobayashi district of Kaohsiung a group of people living in isolation, self-proclaimed NTC or better known of "Mount Zion" Few scholars to its in-depth study, and few researchers in the elder-age. Integration of this article to the historical development of the church from the literature, organization, lifestyle, education and culture, the face, in order to further understand the whole history and now. NTC originated from Hong Kong actress Mei Yee claimed by the sense of the Holy Spirit, Emphasis on "blood, Water and the Holy Spirit" orthodox truth is bountiful. After passing Elijah Honh, led by Taiwan to gather fish Kobayashi district, saying the land is holy. In a similar way national and foreign called "holy ground.". Christian life sunrise-sunset, family dwelling units, common and familiar life. Food self-sufficiency, eat lettuce, or the development of organic agriculture, regardless of exports to tourists, unified distribution after material centralized, all things in common, like a gather family. Wish NTC family leader name Elijah Honh (Sun-chi. Honh), school-age children with "God-education" for a period of education policy. Bible teaching content, music, life skills-based. The organizational level to top the supreme leader Elijah Honh. Believers called "grandpa". Since Elijah in the seventies by the future successors is the NTC of the challenges currently facing important. Under which "the Grace of Jesus Christ Crusade". Shi Lai-chu, Some people in charge of the holy land. Cultural focus by section number and give some meaning, No Christmas vocation, but to commemorate Sukkot, Passover, NTC has own flag, "Great Seal", "Symbol", "Slogan." Concern mention above special point which are very different characteristics and general Christianity, future scholars to be parties to the professional background for further study.


Mount Zion New Testament Church


