  • 學位論文


A Study of School Adjustment and Its Relevant Factors for Senior High School Students with Disabilities

指導教授 : 趙本強


本研究旨在瞭解高中職身心障礙學生的學校適應情形,並進一步探究影響身心障礙學生的學校適應情形之相關因素。本研究採用特殊教育長期追蹤資料庫之問卷進行次級分析,研究對象為教育部特教通報網之100學年度高中職身心障礙學生及教師,有效問卷為2,350份,透過描述性統計、獨立樣本t檢定、單因子變異數分析進行資料分析。茲將研究結論歸納如下: 一、高一及高三身心障礙學生在整體學校適應情形,屬於中等以上程度。就學校適應分量表來看,僅在學習適應方面呈現中等偏下程度,而在師生關係、同儕關係及常規適應方面都呈現中等以上程度。 二、不同性別之高中職身心障礙學生在學校適應情形有顯著差異,女生在學校適應情形明顯優於男生。 三、不同障礙類別之高中職身心障礙學生在學校適應情形有顯著差異,其中「心理障礙/認知缺損」學生在學習適應、常規適應、師生關係及整體學校適應情形明顯比其他兩組還要差。 四、不同特教安置型態之高中職身心障礙學生在學校適應情形有顯著差異,整體學校適應及學習適應方面,普通班或資源班都比特教班還要好,在師生關係方面是特教班最好。 五、高中職身心障礙學生在學校適應情形會因為教師的特教年資而有差異,在學習適應及常規適應方面,特教年資五年以下的教師明顯差於特教年資六年以上的教師。 六、高中職身心障礙學生在學校適應情形會因為教師的特教專業訓練而有差異。不具特教專業訓練教師之學生學習適應表現較好;而具有特教專業訓練教師之學生的師生關係適應表現比較好。 最後依據上述研究結果提出具體建議,以供教師及相關教育人員、教育行政機關及未來研究者參考。 關鍵詞:高中職身心障礙學生、學校適應、次級分析


The purpose of the study was to investigate school adjustment and its relevant factors for senior high school students with disabilities. The study is secondary analysis design. The data of this study was collected from students, regular education teachers and special education teachers, parents on Special Needs Education Longitudinal Study in 2011. There were 2,350 returned and valid questionnaires. Data were analyzed through descriptive statistics, T-test, and one-way ANOVA analysis. The rusults of the study are as follow: 1.school adjustment of senior high school students with disabilities tended to medium to high, in terms of learning adaptation tended to medium to low, and teacher-student relationship, peer relationship, regularity adjustment tended to medium to high. 2.There was a significant difference in gender, "girls" scored significantly higher than "boys". 3.school adjustment of senior high school students with disabilities has significant differences in “types of disabilities”. 4.school adjustment of senior high school students with disabilities has significant differences in “special education placement”. 5.school adjustment of senior high school students with disabilities has significant differences in “special teachers with year”. 6.school adjustment of senior high school students with disabilities has significant differences in “training with professional special education” Based on the results, the researcher offered some suggestions to teachers, Educators, and the education authorities for future study. Keywords: senior high school students with disabilities;school adjustment;secondary analysis


