  • 學位論文


The Effects of New Integrated Income Tax System on Accounting Conservatism Analysis of C-Score model

指導教授 : 單騰笙


兩稅合一新制於2015年實施後,股東可扣抵稅額改為減半扣抵,使企業的實質租稅負擔增加,而未享有租稅減免之企業,因其公司階段所繳的營利事業所得稅相較於享有租稅減免之企業為多,故新制下無法扣抵的稅額,亦即實質稅負增加的部分也會較多。由於穩健會計可降低公司淨利,達到減少稅負的目的,當公司租稅負擔愈重,其節稅誘因愈大,為達節稅目的,其會計穩健程度也會愈大。 本研究以臺灣上市上櫃公司為研究對象,並採用Khan and Watts(2009)所提出的企業會計穩健程度衡量值C-Score為樣本公司會計穩健程度的代理變數,以普通最小平方法(OLS)進行迴歸分析,探討兩稅合一新制實施前、後,享受不同租稅減免程度的企業 (分為非生技新藥業且無研發支出之公司、非生技新藥業有研發支出之公司及生技新藥公司三類),其會計穩健程度是否有不同的影響。研究結果顯示,兩稅合一新制實施後,企業的會計穩健程度均較實施前增加,其中非生技新藥業且無研發支出之公司相較於非生技新藥業有研發支出之公司及生技新藥公司,會計穩健程度增加較大;非生技新藥業有研發支出之公司相較於生技新藥公司,其會計穩健程度也會增加較大。


After the implementation of the New Integrated Income Tax System in 2015, the fully imputation system is changed to partially imputation system (50% deduction rate). This policy increases the tax burden of enterprises. The companies which have less tax relief increase more business income tax. In order to reduce the tax burden, the companies which have less tax relief also have greater degree of accounting conservatism . The present study investigates the listed companies in Taiwan, use the estimate C-Score, presented by Khan and Watts (2009), to be the proxy variable of accounting conservatism, and use the ordinary least square estimation to analyze the differences of accounting conservatism between enterprises with different level of tax relief under the New Integrated Income Tax System. This study found that, after the implementation of the New Integrated Income System, the accounting conservatism of enterprises increased than before. Furthermore, the accounting conservatism of non-biotech companies without R&D expense increased more than non-biotech companies with R&D expense and biotechnology companies. The accounting conservatism of non-biotech companies with R&D expense also increased more than biotechnology companies.


李科逸,我國產業創新條例重要內容研析,科技法律透析 2011 年 2 月:2-7。
洪玉舜、黃煒婷,中國特別處理企業之會計穩健性與公司治理,中山管理評論 2016 年九月號第二十四卷第三期:447-501。
