  • 學位論文


A Study on the Load Balance Mechanism of the Cable Modem

指導教授 : 廖秀莉


隨著全球網路普及化用戶數量越來越多,全球固定網路電信服務用戶有增加,其中全球纜線數據機的用戶在2013年就有1.37億個使用者,預計在2019年將會增加到1.65億個使用者,對於全球的有線電視業者們是一個相當好的消息,但當客戶增加時,Cable Modem Termination System (CMTS)設備將會增加負擔,業者們必須對設備有更好的善用率。 有線電視業者該如何完善的利用DOCSIS 3.0下的負載平衡機制讓用戶更能享受到高頻寬網路,若是業者能夠使用規範內的設備以及最適合的相關參數設定,相信更能讓網路服務品質有相當的提升以及幫助,這就是本篇論文所要探討的主題,我們將會在DOCSIS 3.0的標準、網路架構、設備應用等,針對其負載平衡機機制表現來做相關研究與結果分析。 本研究以纜線數據機之負載平衡機制作為探討與實驗目標,本實驗使用「實驗法」為研究方法,實驗方式為使用獲得Cablelabs認證過的纜線數據機以及CMTS為測試目標,研究分為比較DCC以及DBC兩種搭配負載平衡五種初使化技術影響纜線數據機上線,本研究選擇TCL做為自動化程式之開發工具,設計並撰寫纜線數據機負載平衡功能測試驗證程式,利用CMTS內建的測試指令來模擬纜線數據機在一般使用者做負載平衡之行為,對其進行穩定度評估,最後根據穩定度評估結果來整理出纜線數據機負載平衡穩定度的依據。


With the increasing number of global network users, the global telecommunications service users have increased. There are 137 million users of which the global cable modem users in 2013. It expected to increase to 165 million users in 2019. It is good news for global MSO, but when the customer increases, Cable Modem Termination System will increase the burden. MOS must have a better use their equipment. How is MSO using load balance of DOCSIS3.0 and user can get high speed internet service. If MOS know how to setting best value with CMTS, the author believes internet service will be perfect.This paper will show the stability of load balance with DOCSIS3.0. This research aims to discover cable modem load balance to verify DOCSIS specification and stability. The test sample was obtained from Cablelabs certified. This research will be studied DCC and DCC with five load balance different initialization. Complexity of the testing method, operation errors and testing environment also carries significant impact at this testing station.TCL was chosen to be the tool for this automation development; to design the functional testingprogram and apply it in cable modem testing.Tool will control the CMTS command to do load balance with cable modem. Running tests on different initialization technique to compare the results and evaluate its stability.


Cable Modem DOCSIS Load Balance


Cablelabs. (2011a). Data-Over-Cable Service Interface Specifications
Downstream Radio Frequency Interface, CM-SP-DRFI-I12-111117:
Cablelabs. (2012). Data-Over-Cable Service Interface Specifications Physical
李右翔 (2012)。纜線數據機與DOCSIS 3.0架構之網路效能研究。大同大
