  • 學位論文


Brand Angel: A Basic On-Job Training using App in Automotive Retail

指導教授 : 鄭憲永 賀嘉生


針對企業在對自家品牌的產品銷售流程中進行分析,並將其數位化於一個P(Product)&C(Consumer)構成的PC平面上,在PC平面上分析出教育訓練的內容分類,藉由行動載具進行學習,對於新進員工的教育訓練如何可以快速的進行,並搭配著實際的情境以輔助對多種情況的反應能力。 本論文利用行動載具設計出一款學習App,稱之為品牌導師(Brand Angel)。藉由此App協助企業的員工進行教育訓練,並參考網路探究的訓練模型,當中以教材閱讀、情境任務、知識測驗等方式進行學習,並在企業底下的營業所進行實驗。本論文以北部H牌汽車業的營業所進行實驗,以問卷方式進行使用性的分析,以使用者互動滿意度量表(QUIS)和系統使用性量表(SUS)進行資料收集,實驗的人數共為16人。實驗結果表示系統互動對於銷售員都屬於中等偏上,但是系統使用性不是很理想,因此與營業所經理進行訪談後,建議未來修改方向。學習流程可以修改為以下方式:(1)閱讀與測驗是雙向,不做任何限制;(2)任務則是可以隨時進行挑戰,內容為銷售員常見的銷售情境,並以列表的方式呈現該題目。系統可以添加以下幾種功能:(1) 閱讀教材中加入多媒體元素;(2)加入資料搜尋的功能。


This paper analyzes the sales process of the products of a brand, and to digitalize such process on a PC plane from P (Product) & C (Consumer) constituted. A series of education and training tasks is designed on the PC plane, and salesmen can obtain such learning from mobile device. Such education and training can be carried out quickly for new employees to increase ability for responding to a variety of situations with the actual situation. This paper designs a learning App on mobile device, called the Brand Angel. This App can help employee’s education and training in the enterprise. This App learning model will be reference WebQuest training model. The experiment in the enterprise uses teaching material to reading, situational described to challenge tasking, and for knowledge to testing. Sixteen salesman from sales office of H’s brand car business in northern Taiwan are chosen as experimental. After the experiment, questionnaires will collection data by Questionnaire for User Interaction Satisfaction (QUIS), and System Usability Scale (SUS). After investigation, several findings can be concluded: score of system interaction satisfaction are middle to upper, but system usability aren’t good from salesman feedback. So, several suggest to modify the direction of the future, after business manager interviews. Learning process can be modified in the following ways: (1) The reading and the testing can bidirectional, and without any restrictions; (2) The tasking can challenge for anytime, which the content are common sales situations and using a list appear the topic. System features can add the following ways: (1) Reading of teaching materials can be added audio and video elements to make learning better fun; (2) System can add search function.


張志豪(2014)結合NFC TAG遊戲式行動闖關學習App應用於數學步道之研究。


