  • 學位論文


Study on the Healing Factors of Senior Citizens Living Space

指導教授 : 劉時泳


我國預計在2025年進入「超高齡社會」,各先進國家對於人口老化現象,提出許多成熟的理念與措施,其中最引人注意與重視得就是「療癒環境」的理念。近年來隨生活品質的提升,居家空間益發重視人的多層次需求,不單只關注軟、硬體設備的汰舊換新,更希冀身、心、靈的健康,促進整體和諧,追求高層次福祉的提升。因此,本研究主要研究目的包括:1. 探討國內外居家空間療癒之相關文獻。2. 擬定高齡者居家空間療癒因素架構題項。3.分析不同背景屬性高齡者在居家空間上對療癒因素的重視程度與差異性。在研究方法上,本研究共採用了內容分析法、焦點團體法;在統計分析上採用了:因素分析與差異檢定等。本研究先經文獻分析與二次專家會議,擬定高齡者居家空間療癒因素之45個題項。接著,以這45個題項做為研究工具,對510位台灣與美國紐澤西之高齡者進行重視程度測量。施測所得資料以電腦統計軟體SPSS進行各項分析,獲得結果顯示:1. 高齡者居家空間療癒因素共有7項,包含有:A-「室內環境」、B-「相容支持」、C-「文化信仰」、D-「情感互動」、E-「延伸魅力」、F-「空間尺度」、G-「舒緩休憩」。2. 不同屬性的受測者對於「高齡者居家療癒因素」的重視程度,在11項個人屬性項目與7個因素的差異檢定之中,有49項達顯著差異、28項未達顯著。最後,本研究提出研究結果與對於室內設計產業界、室內設計教學與後續研究建議。


高齡者 居家空間 療癒


Taiwan is expectedly to become a super aged society in 2025. Most developed countries have come up with advanced ideas and measures to manage the aging phenomena. The most eye-catching measure is the concept of healing space. Residential space development in recent years is targeting human’s multiple needs along with living quality improvement. Not merely the renewal of software and hardware, it even pursues harmony and entirety of healthy body, mind, and soul; focusing on higher welfare of life. Therefore, the main objects of this paper concentrate on the followings. 1. Discuss the related literature reviews on international and domestic residential healing space. 2. Establish the items of elements for residential healing space in elderly housing. 3. Analyze the recognition level and variances between the elderly of diverse backgrounds to elements of residential healing space. Content analysis and focus group interview are the two research methods used in the paper, while factor analysis and T-test are adapted as its statistical analysis. 45 question items of residential healing space in elderly housing are selected after literature analysis and two expert meetings. The recognition level survey is conducted afterwards to 510 elderly in both Taiwan and New Jersey based on these 45 questions. Survey data is analyzed via SPSS and the results are: 1. There are seven elements of residential healing space in elderly housing, including (A) indoor environment, (B) mutual support, (C) cultural beliefs, (D) emotional interaction, (E) extended charm, (F) spatial dimension, and (G) comfortable leisure. 2. T-test among 11 individual attribute items and seven elements indicates significances of 49 items, while 28 items show no significance from participants with different attributes. The results can be used for further research for interior design industry as well as interior design teaching.


elderly residential space healing


