  • 學位論文


A Consumer Behavior Research on Baby and Children Products and Clothing

指導教授 : 王如鈺


自2008年台灣出生人數正式跌破20萬人後,兒童品牌市場的客源開始了長時間的萎縮,加上人民薪資所得萎縮、物價頻繁上漲,造成民生壓力大幅增加,種種原因也開始降低了民眾在百貨公司購買嬰幼兒、兒童服飾及用品的意願和慾望;而快時尚品牌的入侵以及網路購物平台的快速崛起,更是讓嬰幼兒、兒童服飾及用品品牌在百貨公司的營業狀況呈現每況愈下的情形。 因此本研究想要探討對於百貨公司消費者的行銷策略中,如提供消費者需要的資訊來源及服務品質的情形之下,是否會增加消費者至百貨公司的消費意願及消費頻率,以繼續延續嬰幼兒用品及兒童服飾品牌的生存空間及作為未來轉型方向。 本研究透過消費者行為以及服務品質的相關文獻,提出「訊息來源」、「購前影響因素」、「選購重視因素」及「服務品質」四種構面,來做為調查消費者於百貨公司購買的影響因素,之後進行問卷調查並透過敘述性統計分析及迴歸分析來了解在不同的影響因素之下,對於消費者至百貨公司消費的意願與頻率情況。 本研究結果如下,首先在資訊來源的部分,百貨公司所製作的DM、APP是影響消費者到百貨公司的消費意願及購買頻率最重要的資訊源;而影響消費者到百貨公司購買兒童品牌的購前影響因素,則是以百貨公司及各品牌推出折扣活動或是流行新品為重要的購前影響因素;再來影響消費者到百貨公司選購的重要因素則是百貨公司所設立的品牌知名度為選購重要因素;最後在專櫃服務上,消費者重視的是專櫃人員會詳細介紹適合小孩的商品,與顧客建立倆好的互動關係並且會主動告知顧客所需要的相關訊息,加上內裝新穎亮麗的專櫃,上述這些都是影響消費者會選擇在百貨公司兒童品牌專櫃消費的重要服務因素。


Since the number of births in Taiwan officially fell below 200,000 in 2008, the customer base of the children's brand market has begun to shrink for a long time. Coupled with the shrinking salary income and frequent price increases, the pressure on people's livelihood has increased significantly, and various reasons have begun to decrease. People’s willingness and desire to buy infants and children’s clothing and supplies in department stores; the intrusion of fast fashion brands and the rapid rise of online shopping platforms have further revealed the business status of infants, children’s clothing and supplies brands in department stores Deteriorating situation. Therefore, this study wants to explore whether the marketing strategy for department store consumers, such as providing consumers with the information sources and service quality, will increase consumers’ willingness to spend and consumption frequency in department stores to continue. The living space of infant products and children's clothing brands and the direction of future transformation. Based on the literature on consumer behavior and service quality, this research proposes four dimensions: "information sources", "pre-purchase influencing factors", "purchasing value factors" and "service quality" as a survey of consumers in department stores The influencing factors of the company’s purchases were then conducted through questionnaire surveys and through narrative statistical analysis and regression analysis to understand the willingness and frequency of consumers to spend in department stores under different influencing factors. The results of this research are as follows. First of all, in the part of information sources, the DM and APP produced by department stores are the most important information sources that affect consumers' willingness to spend and purchase frequency in department stores; and the information sources that affect consumers' purchase of children's brands in department stores The pre-purchase influencing factor is the introduction of discount activities or popular new products by department stores and various brands as the important pre-purchase influencing factor; the next important factor that affects consumers to purchase in department stores is the brand awareness established by the department store In order to purchase important factors; finally, in the counter service, consumers pay attention to the counter staff will introduce the products suitable for children in detail, establish a good interaction with the customer, and will actively inform the customer of the relevant information needed, plus the interior Innovative and beautiful counters, all of the above are important service factors that influence consumers to choose to spend at the children's brand counters in department stores.


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