  • 學位論文


The Business Strategy Study of Alloy Wheel Firms in Taiwan

指導教授 : 謝龍發


摘要 我國鋁合金輪圈產業在台灣開始生產製造迄今約34年歷史了,鼎盛時期曾創120億元新台幣的年出口值,產品行銷至全球各地,總產量占全球鋁合金輪圈百分之六。經歷2008年全球性金融海嘯洗禮,至今尚無法回復金融海嘯前水準,且產業局勢波動幅度加大似乎成常態,這對本產業之經營將更加困難。為此本研究將依我國學者司徒達賢「策略管理新論」所提之策略矩陣模式,對「台灣鋁合金輪圈廠商之經營策略研究」,期望本研究結果可供台灣鋁合金輪圈廠商制定策略時參考。 本研究依前述理論基礎與分析模式,針對國內18家鋁輪圈公司中,邀訪4家公司進行深度訪談,訪談後將各廠商所談龐雜內容轉化成,依六大事業策略形態構面與價值鏈圖矩陣之系統性內容,以便全面性檢視企業目前處境與未來發展需求,並給予改善方案建議。經上述研究結果,依六大事業策略形態構面整理發現:1.產品線的廣度與特色和公司規模大小無直接關係。2.約有80%鋁輪圈廠商不願意選擇OEM市場,而以AM市場為主要市場。3.礙於規模與資金問題,所以鋁輪圈公司要做向上整合的可能性極低。4.相對於國外鋁圈廠,我國大部分廠商的規模是小的,而小則其機動性與生產彈性會較高,這正好符合日漸強調個性化個人化的多樣少量市場。5.我國鋁輪圈已行銷至全球110個國家了,所以產品涵蓋範圍已非常的廣。訪談4家公司中,3家AM市場為主公司中,有2家採分散策略市場涵蓋地理範圍較廣,1家採集中策略約80%專注於日本市場。而另一家以OEM為主的公司也是採市場分散策略,甚至已將部份生產基地移往接近市場的區域,做為擴大市佔率的因應策略。6.我國鋁輪圈廠商的普遍競爭優勢為,研發、技術、品質、管理等四個面向,據訪談廠商看法,此優勢約還能維持3到5年。 本研究在訪談過程中意識到,我國鋁輪圈廠商對中國市場幾乎尚未做任何布局,因此在結論中特別對此提出,正面看待中國大陸市場之議題。中國已逐漸從世界工廠轉變為世界市場,中國大陸汽車市場平均每月產銷突破150萬輛,全年累計產銷超過1800萬輛,已超越美國成為全球第一。任何市場都會有產品分級區隔,自然中國大陸也會有高端產品市場,一個擁有同文同種且又是世界最大的市場,絕對值得我廠商提早前往布局,再者中國大陸消費者對台灣品牌有著情感的愛好,我廠商若能比照全球其他市場之開發精神,並善加經營必能有所收穫。


Abstract The history of alloy wheel firms in Taiwan started manufacturing has already been 34 years. Its heyday was hit NT$12 billion of annual export value, and the products marketing to the world which ultimate production share of global output six percent. Through 2008, the effect of the global financial crisis, now has not response levels like the before, and the fluctuation of firms’ situation increase, it seems to become the normality which it will be more difficult to operate in the industry. For the reason, this study will use the strategy matrix model in the theory of Strategy Management to analyze the alloy wheel firms, and expected the results of this study would provide the firms to refer when establishing their strategies. According to the foregoing theoretical basis for research and analysis, this study chose 18 companies of alloy wheel firms in Taiwan. Four of all the firms invited to visit and interview in depth, and thenconvert the matters from firms respectively to the system matters which according to six dimensions of business strategy shape and value chain. So that it would survey the situation and the needs of business development in the future, it even provides the suggestions to improve. We could find six results. First, there are not the direct relation between the scope and characteristic of product line and the scope of firms. Second, there are about 80% alloy wheel firms wouldn’t like to select the marketing of OEM, but AM. Third, because of scope and capital,the possible of upward conformity of alloy wheel firms are very low. Fourth, most of firms’ scope in Taiwan is small compare with overseas, but it has more mobility and the elasticity of production. It will confirm the marketing of variety which emphasize personalization. Fifth, the alloy wheel is marketing to over 110 countries; the scope of production is very wide. Three firms of interview that main marketing is AM, two select the strategy of disperse to cover the wider geographical scope, and one select the strategy of centralize that concentrate about 80% in Japan market. The other one which also select the strategy of disperse and the main market is OEM even changes the production base to close the market for enlarging the market share. Sixth, the competitive advantages of alloy wheel firms are R&D, technology, quality, and management that according to the view of interview’s firms the advantages would be maintain 3 to 5 years. There has no any overall arrangement in China of alloy wheel firms in Taiwan, so this study proposed in the conclusionspecially. China has gradually changed from the world’sfactory for the world’s market which auto in China sales exceeded 1.5 million average monthly, and the annual total sales of more than 18 million that it has surpassed the U.S. as the world’s first. It is definitely worth to layoutearly, and the consumers in China have more interesting about the brand of Taiwan, so manage usefully that will be able to be harvested.


Strategy matrix Alloy wheel firms


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