  • 學位論文


A Study and Design of Applying Cultural and Creative Perspective on Souvenir: Using Chung Yuan Christian University as an Example

指導教授 : 林昆範


全球後工業社會浪潮下,為提供消費者進行差異化體驗,文化創意產業應運而生,其附加價值更促進經濟,成為區域發展的重要指標產業。國內產官學分進合擊,大專院校增設文化創意相關專業系所、學程,並成立創意設計中心,作育菁莪。同時積極走出校園,透過專業知識進行社會服務學習,行銷校園產品拼學校形象,惟此校園文化紀念品的設計推陳出新,與時俱進,逐漸大放異彩。 本創作目的為開發中原大學之校園文化創意產品,設計過程依序為:(1)從文獻探討學校文化、文化認同與文化創意產品之間的關係,尋求運用文化符碼的方法;(2)探討文化創意產品的設計模式,並擬定學校文化的分析模式與設計策略架構;(3)分析國內校園紀念品運用學校文化的策略,並萃取中原大學的文化符碼,形成創作理念與設計元素;(4)進行實務創作,完成文化創意紀念品。 歸納設計結果,可見:(1)透過探討學校文化、產品屬性與產品價值的設計模式,有助於規劃產品開發方向;(2)依文化創意產品設計模式進行操作,有助於設計出跳脫傳統概念中之校園紀念品。


Under the global trend of Post-Industrial Society, the cultural and creative industries have gradually increased by offering consumers the experience of differentiation. Besides the economical additional value, these industries become a central role for regional development. Recently, our academic institutions establish the cultural and creative departments, programs and creative centers which can cultivate new talented experts. In the same time, the students can apply their knowledge into practice in combination of industries and academics. For example, students could enhance their universities image through selling souvenir which needs the school’s features and students’ creativity. My purpose is to develop the cultural and creative products for Chung Yuan Christian University, and the processes are: (1) Exploring the relation from school culture, cultural identity, and cultural product through references. Try to figure out the cultural code and apply it into my design; (2) Discussing the design mode of cultural products and use this strategy to analyze what is the school culture; (3) Analyzing different campus souvenir in our country, and again, taking the cultural code as the strategy. In this way, I can use CYCU’s features and cultural codes as the elements for my design; (4) Put these elements into practical creation, such as transforming these ideas into our campus souvenir. The consequent of my design in general: (1) Cultural code is helpful for developing the campus souvenir; (2) Applying the design mode of cultural products can brings new perspective of making campus souvenir.


