  • 學位論文


Analysis of Response Time of Multiple Station Suppliers Production Systems

指導教授 : 張國華


隨著全球供應鏈趨勢,企業間競爭環境日漸激烈,生產製造者不論是技術、品質逐年改善,為的就是能更為有效率的生產,而精實生產即為良好的生產方式,在少量的安全庫存下,由顧客訂單建構拉式生產系統(Pull System),當有訂單才生產產品,避免不必要的浪費,減少庫存成本。因此本研究將利用精實生產中的拉式生產,以階段型分配(Phase-Type-distribution)計算顧客在系統內的需求回應時間(Response Time)小於交付時間(Lead Time)的機率,即為即時交付率(On-Time-Delievery-Rate),做為後續績效指標之一。 然而,隨著供應鏈越來越依賴供應商,供應鏈中斷風險即為重要的議題, Li et al. (2010)提到許多零售商透過選擇多個供應商減低供應中斷的風險,並說明製造商與供應商間,存在合作與競爭關係,增加備用供應商將使製造商增加成本,但也相對能使製造商與供應商間有協商與談判能力,進而能降低生產成本,也同時避免供應鏈中生產中斷等問題,因此本研究將以以階段型分配(Phase-Type-distribution)建立一個拉式生產的多加工站與多站供應商的生產系統,求得在穩定狀態的基本庫存水準之下,進一步以等候線方法,運用矩陣-幾何法(Matrix-Geometric Method, MGM)求得極限機率,並定義供應鏈在穩定狀況的基本庫存水準下,顧客到達系統所看到的狀態,為初始狀態,而當供應商恢復狀態所需要的基本存水準來定義吸態,以求得系統的所需時間,而本研究定義這段時間為回應時間。進而探討當供應鏈發生中斷時,系統在有備用供應商的情況下,以備用供應商持續生產,將需要多少回應時間才能使系統恢復,以提供管理者,在面對到供應商發生中斷時,評估的依據。


Recently, there is a big competition in the global supply chain among enterprises. Not only in the advances of production technology but also in the quality of products which are being improved year by year. Lean manufacturing method is one of the major reasons of these improvements, which lead to more efficient productions. The customer initiates the pull production system which requires lower safety stocks. Production is only done when there is a standing order which prevents unnecessary wastes and inventory costs. Thus, we model a lean production systems as a queueing network and then calculate the On-Time-Delivery-Rate. As supply chains become increasingly dependent on the suppliers, supply chain disruption risk has become an important issue. Retailers reduce the risk of supply disruptions by selecting multiple suppliers. Researchers described the relationship of cooperation and competition between manufacturers and suppliers, and that increasing the backup vendors will also increase costs for manufacturers. The key point is finding the relation between manufacturers and suppliers that can reduce their production costs, avoid supply chain disruptions, and other problems. Thus, this research will propose a pull production of multi-station and multi-station machining supplier of production systems by phase-type distribution, under a stable state of basic inventory levels. Furthermore queuing method specifically MGM (Matrix-Geometric Method, MGM) is applied to obtain the probability limit and define the required supply chain inventory levels at a substantially stable condition. When customer arrives and places an order, the system starts production and satisfies the customer’s demand. The time it takes to satisfy the demand is called the response time. When the supply chain is experiencing an interruption, an alternate supplier is asked to satisfy the demand. The time that the supplier can supply the demand at the right time is called the On-Time-Delivery-Rate. The response time and On-Time-Delivery-Rate will be very useful for managers in their decision making and will be a good measures for their system assessment.


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