  • 學位論文


A Study on Non-Compete Agreement of Post-Employment

指導教授 : 姚志明


英特爾創始人之一戈登•摩爾(Gordon Moore)於西元1965年提出摩爾定律(Moore's Law)後,基本上科技的發展是遵循這個定律演進著,而摩爾定律(Moore's Law)主要的論述是每18個月在同樣大小的微晶片上電晶體數目會成長1倍。世界跟隨著這個定律一直改變著,當英特爾延後原本計畫於2016年將其 10 奈米的製程時,這個定律正式的被打破了。 當科技隨摩爾定律(Moore's Law)一直發展著,科技同時也改變了現在的生活模式,而這樣的改變間接的讓企業的經營與生存變得越來越困難。 企業為了維持在其所經營領域的利益與保護企業慢慢所累積的相關營業秘密或資訊,於是要求所僱用的員工不論是在職期間或是離職後期間都不能洩露相關秘密到競爭對手或是到競爭對手公司服務,而這樣的契約稱為「競業禁止條款」。競業禁止條款主要是要求所僱用的員工相互約定在離期間與離職後特定的時間內、工作區域與不能到有相互競爭的公司服務,同時企業需為了補償員工因簽訂競業禁止條款所造成的損失,這樣相互約定的契約稱為「競業禁止條款」,而「競業禁止條款」是目前普遍為企業所採用的方法。 隨著競業禁止條款案件越來越頻繁地出現在報章媒體,勞動部也公布了「簽訂競業禁止參考手冊」希望能減少競業禁止條款所帶來的糾紛。本研究主要整理學術界與法院對競業禁止條款的見解,並研究競業禁止條款的構成要件與法院實務上的見解。


One of the founders of Intel, Gordon Moore, developed Moore's Law in 1965. Moore's Laws states that in every 18 Month,the number of transistors within the same size of microchip will grow by one times. The development of semi-conductor techonology followed this general law until 2016.Intel has originally planned to market its ten-nanometer development process in 2016, but Intel postponed the release until 2017. This news officially denies the Moore’s Law. When the science and technology (Moore's Law) is developing continuously along with a mole of law, the science and technology simultaneously also changed the present mode of life, but such change indirect lets the enterprise the management and the survival becomes more and more difficult. In order for enterprises to keep making profit and conserve business secrets from competing companies, staffs employed in the technological development domain often has to obey a contract called the“Post-Employment Non-Compete Agreement”. The Post Employment Non-Compete Agreement is a mutual agreement between employers and employees that prohibits the employees from serving certain jobs in competiting companies for a period of time after the employees leavewhile the employers find ways to compensate the employees. The agreement aims to keep business secrets confidencial from competing companies and is commonly used in the industry. As the number of cases regarding the non-compete agreement of post-employmentincreases, the Ministry of Labor released a Non-Competition Prohibited Reference Manual, seeking to reduce the disputes between the employers and empmloyees that arised from signing the contract. This study mainly focuses on the academic and court opinions on the prohibition of non-competition and studies the constituent elements of the non-competition clause and the opinions of the courts.


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