  • 學位論文


Key Factors of Education and Training for Older Re-employment

指導教授 : 邱榆淨


人才是企業最重要的資產,而教育訓練是在人力資源發展中獲取好人才的最好途徑。在這人口老化、中高齡的勞工比例增加,企業人力需求多變化的年代,再開發這些中高齡再就業者是企業當前重要的課題,然而教育訓練成功與否,決定企業所提出教育訓練是否適切於中高齡再就業者,進而有效開發這些人力,提高自身市場競爭力。 本研究主要目的是為分析中高齡再就業者教育訓練之關鍵因素為何?當零售服務業在面對市場勞力老化的問題時又該如何因應與管理?透過德爾菲法訪談零售服務業的教育訓練專家,並建構出適用於零售服務業的中高齡再就業者之研究架構,之後運用以決策實驗室分析法為基礎的網路分析程序法,針對管理者及中高齡再就業員工進行問卷填答,再進行問卷結果分析。 本研究結果顯示,影響中高齡再就業者教育訓練之共同關鍵準為「訓練方式」、「創造思考教學能力」、「良好的人際關係與口語表達能力」、「專業知能」及「教材教案撰寫能力」,而在績效值的分析上僅有「教材教案撰寫能力」表現較不佳,仍有可努力空間,而其他關鍵準則績效表現佳,建議繼續保持,由此可見,T公司在提供中高齡再就業者的教育訓練屬成熟且具產業競爭力。 影響中高齡再就業者因素眾多,個別的產業考量的因素也不盡相同,但需要有系統化的評估方式才足以提供企業參考,透過本研究結果提供給其他相關企業及改善績效之道,也希望對於國家經濟人力結構有所運用及幫助。


Human capital is a company's most important asset, and education and training is the best way to get good talent in human resources development. It is the most important issue to develop the elderly re-employment in this time of the aging of population and the increasing rate for elder labor. However, success of education and training deciding whether education and training put forward by relevant to the older re-employment and then develop these human resources effectively to improve their market competitiveness. The main purpose of this study is to analyze the key factors of education and training for elder re-employment. How to solve and manage the issue when the retail service industry faces a problem of elder labor? This study adopts Delphi method to interview the experts in education and training, and build the research structure for the elder re-employment in retail service industry. And then this study uses DANP method to design the questionnaire for managers and re-employment, and collect and analyze the data. The results show that the key factors of education and training for elder re-employment are method of training, create thinking ability in teaching, excellent interpersonal and oral communication skills, specialized knowledge, and writing ability of teaching materials. Furthermore, the performance of writing ability of teaching materials is poor and it is need to improve but otherwise the key factors are satisfactory, suggest to keep them. This shows that T Company provides the elder re-employment mature education and training and T Company is competitive in the industry. Factors affecting the re-employment of the elderly persons in many individual factors to be considered are not the same, but need to have a systematic approach in order to offer a business reference. We wish the outcomes of this study provide other company to improve achievement and will be helpful for Taiwan’s human structure during their improvement process.


Older, Re-employment, Education and training Delphi DANP Key factor


