  • 學位論文


Using Program Evaluation and Review Technique (PERT) / Critical Path Method (CPM) to Assess Project Process Scheduling - An Example of the R&D in Medical Devices Equipment Production

指導教授 : 蘇玲慧




This thesis discusses the using of PERT/CPM to assess the time and cost tradeoff in the R&D phase of medical equipment production. The project managers not only have to implement the execution of the project in a specific time, but also need to handle the risk that might happen during the project. The risk usually arises from the uncertainty which affect project duration and cost. In order to make project more stable and reduce the uncertainty, the PERT/CPM method is used. This real case presents and uses project network to figure out the whole project process and relationship between each activities. Then, a linear programming model is formulated and solved to find out the optimal solution of the project, after that the sensitive analysis is present for further parameter analyze. The result of the case reveals that the optimal time is 14 weeks with the minimum cost. The cost will be increased when the time is reduced further. Finally, though the PERT/CPM techniques still have a lot of space to be improved in this case, this research could provide a good reference for the management to figure out the project completion time within a specific interval under reasonable cost.


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