  • 學位論文


Multifunctional research of ‘hao’ – a teaching-oriented analysis based on corpuses and textbook

指導教授 : 歐德芬


「好」在語義上相當多元,有多元詞性與多功能的語法特性。 然而以往關於「好」 的研究文獻多從語言學的角度分析語法、語義 等現象,亦包含許多方言的語言 現象探討,此從語言學角度的分析 探究並不完全適用於「好」做為第二語言學 習。因此本研究以華語 教學為導向,首先從辭典、工具書及學者文獻中歸納分 析「好」的 不同釋義、詞性與功能後,建置「好」的多功能理論架構雛形,再 以 此架構進入「國家教育研究院華語文語料庫(COCT)」檢視母語 者的使用表現, 藉由實際使用情形探究「好」之語義及其前後搭配 使用詞語及常見句式,並經 使用頻率排序後提出具有五種語法功能 及十三種關鍵特性之「好」的多功能理 論架構。爾後,本文基於此 多功能理論架構進入「國立臺灣師範大學華語學習 者口語語料庫」 檢視華語學習者對於「好」各式語法功能之使用狀況,進而評 估華 語學習者對於「好」的多樣性語法功能的掌握程度以及母語者使用 狀況之 差距。此外,再依據本文提出之「好」的多功能架構,針對 在台灣使用率最高 的兩套華語教材對於「好」的各式教學內容進行 分析與探討教學呈現,進而依 據教材的教學內容與學習者及母語者 的使用落差,提出對「好」之多功能語法 的教學建議與不同程度的 華語學習者對應之教學方式。本論文希冀相關研究結 果能做為華語 教師及教材之教學參考,進而提升華語學習者對於「好」之學習 成效。


The word ‘hao’ is quite diverse in semantics, such as having multiple lexics and multiple grammatical features. However, past research references related to the word ‘hao’ are mostly analyzed in the perspectives of linguistics on the phenomena such as grammar and semantics, which also include many discussions on language phenomena in dialects. Such analytical and research perspective on Linguistics are not completely applicable for second language learning of ‘hao’. Therefore this research intends to lead to Chinese language teaching as a goal, begins the analysis by summarizing the different interpretations, lexical senses, and the functionalities of ‘hao’ from dictionaries, tool books and references from scholars, as means to construct the prototype of multi-function theoretical framework for this word. Next, this study logs into Corpus of Contemporary Taiwanese Mandarin (COCT) under this framework, to examine the usage performance of the native speakers and explores the semantics of ‘hao’ and its collocation words and common sentences patterns based on actual usage. Subsequently, this dissertation sorts the results by frequency of usage and proposes a multi-function theoretical framework consisting five grammatical functionalities and 13 key features of ‘hao’. Later, according to this framework, this study logs into National Taiwan Normal University Chinese Language Learner Spoken Language Corpus and examines the situations on the use of various grammatical functionalities of the word ‘hao’ by the Chinese language learners, and then evaluate the differences in mastery and usage situations of diverse grammatical functionalities of ‘hao’ between these learners and native speakers. In addition, based on the multi-function theoretical framework proposed for ‘hao’, this study specifically conducts an analysis and discusses the teaching content on the two mostly used Chinese language teaching materials in Taiwan, and used the gap in results of these teachings to the learners and native speakers to give suggestions and different levels of teaching methods toward instructing the multi-functional grammar of ‘hao’. This dissertation hopes that the relevant research results can be used as teaching references for the Chinese language instructors and textbooks, hence improves the learning effectiveness of ‘hao’ for the Chinese language learners.


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