  • 學位論文


Investigation of Mechanical and Material Properties on the Al/Cu Matrix for Thermally Reduced Graphene Oxide

指導教授 : 何青原


本研究分為兩大部分,首先是進行氧化石墨烯(Graphene Oxide, GO)與熱還原氧化石墨烯(Thermal Reduced Graphene Oxide, RGO)的材料特性分析,主要是利用哈默法(Hummer)以化學氧化合成的方式將石墨氧化成為GO,並以透析膜將酸鹼值為2的GO透析至pH 6,再在空氣環境下進行高溫還原,使得GO還原成RGO,將哈默法所得的pH 2與pH 6的GO與RGO進行SEM、XRD、FT-IR、Raman量測,藉以分析在不同酸鹼值下的GO與RGO的材料特性差異。第二部分為研究鋁/銅添加不同比例的RGO的機械性質分析,RGO所添加的比例為0%、0.25wt%、0.5wt%、1wt%四種條件,透過SEM觀察表面形態、XRD觀察晶體結構與晶粒尺寸、維克氏硬度(HV)分析材料硬度、熱傳導係數分析熱導率、I-V曲線分析導電率,探討添加RGO對鋁/銅的機械性質之影響。 本研究之實驗分析結果,可以觀察到由於部分官能團與酸性物質的影響,pH 2的GO材料特性相較於pH 6的GO來的差,而在RGO的部分則是因為經過高溫還原的步驟後,大部分官能團與酸性雜質受到去除,使得RGO不會受到酸鹼值之影響。而在鋁/銅添加不同比例之RGO的分析結果得知,當RGO添加的比例逐漸上升,金屬基複合材料之硬度、熱傳導與導電率都能夠有效的上升。


Graphene can be considered as a prospective material due to its excellent electrical, thermal, and mechanical properties. In this research, Graphene oxide (GO) and Reduced graphene oxide (RGO) were prepared by different pH values to investigate material properties. A modified Hummer’s method used to synthesized GO from flake-type graphite, which was then reduced by thermal reduction method. As the results, the spectrum of SEM, XRD, FT-IR, Raman showed the properties of GO in pH-6 had relatively improvement compared to pH-2. RGO didn’t affected by various pH values due to the functional group/remnant ion were removed while in high temperature thermal reduction. Various ratio of Al/Cu-RGO composites were prepared by sintered of mechanical ball milled of metal and RGO powders. Energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy performed that RGO and metal powder were well-proportion mixed. SEM, XRD showed the surface structure and crystallization of composites. With increasing proportion of RGO, the composites had promotion of hardness, thermal conductivity and resistivity. The result analysis showed that RGO adjunction contributed mechanical properties of composites and proved RGO was a prominent reinforcement candidate material.


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