  • 學位論文


An Exploratory Research on Successor Selection of Taiwanese Family Business-Based on Entrepreneur's Perspective

指導教授 : 嚴奇峰


家族企業是構成經濟活動的基本企業組織,全球企業中家族企業約占整體企業家數約60%~80%,美國財星500大企業中也有超過40%比例為家族企業,其對全球經濟發展的貢獻不言可喻。根據台灣董事學會「2015年董事會白皮書報告」顯示,台灣上市櫃企業中有高達74%為家族型企業,這數據尚不包含未上市櫃的中小企業公司。然而受到全球化與西方文化的影響,佔台灣企業多數族群的家族企業所面對之企業經營環境與條件,隱然已與傳統的華人家族企業有所區別。在不同文化背景下涵養出來的家族企業主們,即使面對相同的情境也會有不同的決策。藉由文化背景與經營環境變遷的探討,本研究以受儒家文化影響的台灣家族企業主立場,去思索其在西方文化影響下所面對的經營挑戰,以及交班時應考量的問題。 本研究從系統論的觀點去分析台灣家族企業主面對的經營與交班難題,推導出企業主交班時應考慮的4個函數︰家族責任、企業績效、無形責任以及企業社會責任對公司經營績效的預期函數,以推斷企業主交班時的心智模式。並利用本研究所建構的企業主自我定位模型(FPC模型)來定位企業主自我判定的文化類別與企業所處生命週期。以韋伯社會科學理念型方法論的觀點去推導出不同文化背景下家族企業主的交班決策順序,並發掘台灣家族企業主交班決策中普遍的現象:專業經理人過渡與企業主決策困境。期望能對台灣家族企業主在交班決策上,提供另一個觀點的參考。


Family businesses are the basic units of economy system and there are 60-80% faimly businesses in the world running the global economy. There are more than 40% family businesses on Fortune 500 list. In Taiwan, the 2015 white paper issued by “The Bod Review” says that 74% of Taiwanese listed and OTC corporations are family businesses and the unpublic SME companies are not yet included this data. Obviously family businesses are an important system to Taiwanese economy. However the influences of globalization and western cultural did make Taiwanese Family businesses’ operational situations disrepant from tradiontial Chinese family businesses. The operational situation changes will not only affect the entreprenures in Taiwan but also the ones in China and western family businesses as well. Family businesses’ entreprenuers who were bred in different cultures (including western, Chinese or Taiwanese entreprenuers) shall have various strategies when facing the same situations. Through discussions among variations of cultural shock and operational environment, this research tries to ponder from Confucian-based Taiwanese entreprenuers’ emic view and constructs their predicaments of business operational challenges and succession strategies. Based on the perspective viewpoint of System Theory, this research analyzes the predicaments which entreprenuers of Taiwanese family business have faced and infers four functions which they shall consider according to their mental mode that includes family duty, estimated business performance, intangible responsibility (e.g. family duty to CSR) and estimated CSR to business performance. We have built an entreprenuer’s self-esteem mode (the Family-Performance-CSR mode: FPC mode) to describe their judgement on cultural base as well as on enterprises’ position of corporate life cycle. Furthermore, we used Weber’s ideal–type (or pure-type) concept of social science research to compare Taiwanese enterprenuers between the pure types of Traditional Chinese and Western Family business enterpreuners. The inferences of entreprenuers’ priorities on succession process among different cultural bases revealed the special characteristics but popular situations in Taiwanese family business succession strategies—professional managers’ temporary transition and entrepreneur’s determination dilemma. We hope the inferential procedure, contents and propositions of this paper can provide another viewpoint to Taiwanese family business entreprenuers and lead them to review their succession strategies based on a more systematic manner.


張寶芸,2015年,企業所有權結構與利益同化現象對台灣上市公司績效與高階人員薪酬影響— 公司治理的微觀基礎觀點,中原大學企業管理研究所碩士論文。
