  • 學位論文

領導行為、追隨行為與領導效能關係之研究 —領導者與追隨者對偶心理定位之觀點

Investigating the Relationships among Leader Behavior, Follower Behavior and Leadership Effectiveness–The Perspective of Dyadic Psychological Positioning of both Leader and Follower

指導教授 : 嚴奇峰


I 摘要 本文以情境理論為發想點,從三個方向進行討論。首先,本文以心理定位理論觀點 為基礎,提出領導者對部屬的定位過程,以領導者本身為中心,同時考量對部屬的信任 關係以及部屬的專業能力後,形成四種不同的領導導向(重用、培植、支配以及隔絕), 依此決定領導行為(授權、栽培、威權以及防衛),形成H1。再者,目前研究趨勢強調部 屬觀點在領導歷程中扮演著重要角色,在既有文獻基礎上,提出追隨者定位,即部屬以 自己為中心,同時考量對主管的信任關係以及主管的專業能力後,形成四種追隨導向(輔 佐、誠服、屈從以及自利),依此決定追隨行為(模範、學習、消極以及疏離),形成H2。 最後,提出領導行為與追隨行為間之交互作用影響領導效能,形成H3。總結本文,理 論發展須同時考量領導者以及追隨者之觀點,分別以領導者以及部屬為中心,透過領導 者定位與追隨者定位後,決定領導行為以及追隨行為,且此二者間之交互效果對領導效 能產生影響。 本文藉由準實驗設計以及對偶問卷調查進行蒐集資料,準實驗設計的主管腳本以及 部屬腳本各回收398 份以及385 份有效樣本,對偶問卷回收185 份有效樣本。資料分析 以變異數分析以及階層迴歸驗證相關假設。準實驗設計研究結果顯示,(1)主管定位部屬 為高能力及高信任時,有最高的授權領導行為;(2) 主管定位部屬為高信任時,有較高 程度的栽培領導行為;(3) 不論主管如何定位部屬,不影響威權領導行為展現的程度; (4) 主管定位部屬為低信任時,有較高程度的防衛領導行為;(5) 部屬定位主管為高信 任時,會展現高度的模範追隨行為;(6) 部屬定位主管為高能力及高信任時,會有最高 程度的學習追隨行為;(7) 部屬定位主管為低信任時,會傾向展現消極追隨行為;(8) 部 屬定位主管為低能力及低信任時,會有最高程度的疏離追隨行為。 對偶問卷資料研究結果顯示,(1) 部屬專業能力以及主管對部屬信任程度的交互作 用會分別影響主管的授權、栽培以及防衛領導行為;(2) 主管專業能力以及部屬對主管 信任程度的交互作用會影響部屬的消極行為;(3) 授權領導行為分別會與學習追隨行為 以及疏離行為產生交互作用,影響對主管滿意度;(4) 威權領導行為分別與模範追隨行 為以及疏離追隨行為產生交互作用,影響對主管滿意度;(5) 防衛領導行為與模範追隨 行為產生交互作用影響對主管滿意度;(6) 授權領導行為與模範追隨行為產生交互作用 影響部屬績效;(7) 栽培行為分別與模範、學習以消極追隨行為產生交互作用,影響部 屬績效;(8) 防衛領導行為分別與模範以及疏離追隨行為產生交互作用,影響部屬績效。 II 依據研究結果,本文提出以下幾點管理意涵,(1) 主管與部屬可預判追隨行為以及 領導行為;(2) 主管以定位基礎判斷部屬的追隨行為,避免誤判部屬追隨行為的表象; (3) 部屬績效與部屬對主管滿意度的優先順序;(4) 模範追隨類型的部屬最易與領導者 搭配,較易獲得正面的領導效能;學習追隨類型的部屬仍需小心引導;面對消極追隨類 型的部屬,主管也毋須預設立場;疏離追隨類型的部屬將帶給管理者最大的考驗。本文 期望對藉由提出之理論架構與驗證結果,對學術與實務提出具體貢獻;最後提出研究限 制與未來研究方向。 關鍵字:對偶心理定位、領導者定位、追隨者定位、領導行為、追隨行為、領導效能


III Abstract The present study was inspired by Situational Leadership Theory which spotted on the combination of leader behavior and follower readiness. Since the prescriptions of SLT were not fully verified in extant researches, the main points were proposed. First of all, according to the perspective of psychological positioning theory, this study argued that leader behavior was determined through leader-positioning process. Specifically, four leadership orientations (e.g., preferment, cultivation, domination, and segregation) were identified by considering follower’s professional competence and personal trust in follower simultaneously under leader centric viewpoint, and then transformed into corresponding leader behaviors (e.g., delegation, mentor, authoritarian, and precaution). Second, the role of follower is a fundamental element within leading process, though it has generated relatively little discussion in the considerable amount of literature on leadership theory. The concept of follower-positioning was addressed, in which follower established four followership orientations (e.g., assisting, learning, compliant, and selfish) through evaluating two critical dimensions-the competence posed by leader and trust in leader from follower centric perspective. And follower’s corresponding behaviors (e.g., exemplariness, apprentice, passiveness, and alienation) then were performed based on these four orientations. Finally, this research explored the leader effectiveness was affected by the mixed combinations of leader and follower behaviors. In summary, the concept claimed in current research emphasized the two-way dyadic psychological positioning of both leader- and follower-centric viewpoints as well. It determined the specific leader and follower behavior consequently. Eventually, the interacting effects of leader behaviors and follower behaviors on leadership effectiveness were investigated. The data was collected from quasi-experimental design (supervisor’s manuscript N = 398; subordinate’s manuscript N = 385) and paired-sample survey (N = 185), and ANOVA and multiple-regression were conducted for testing hypotheses. The results of quasi-experimental design show that 1) delegation behavior was determined when both follower’s professional competence and personal trust in follower were high; 2) leader behaved in mentoring way because of the positive trust in follower; 3) authoritarian occurred in any leadership orientation; 4) negative trust in follower caused high level of precautious; 5) positive trust in leader resulted in exemplary behavior; 6) apprenticed behavior was resulted from high level of leader ’s professional competence and positive trust in leader; 7) follower behaved in passive way when trusting leader negatively; 8) the highest level of alienated behaviors was going to take place under the condition of low level of leader’s professional IV competence and negative trust in leader. The findings of paired-sample survey presented that 1) delegation, mentor and precaution were affected by the interacting effect of follower ’s competence and trust in follower respectively; 2) only passiveness was influenced by leader ’s competence and personal trust in leader; 3) subordinate’s satisfaction toward supervisor was affected by the following interacting effects: delegation and apprentice, delegation and alienation, authoritarian and exemplariness, authoritarian and alienation, and precaution and exemplariness; 4) the interacting effects of delegation and exemplariness, mentor and exemplariness, mentor and apprentice, mentor and passiveness, precaution and exemplariness, and precaution and alienation influenced follower performance respectively. The current study goes on to discuss managerial implications based on the findings. Firstly, subordinates could predict leader behaviors, and supervisors could also foresee follower behaviors. Secondly, it is difficult for supervisor to pursue high level of subordinate’s performance and subordinate’s satisfaction toward leader simultaneously. Finally, supervisors could lead different followers effectively by adjusting the corresponding leader behaviors. At final section, limitations and future directions for further research were suggested. Keywords: Dyadic psychological positioning; Leader-positioning; Follower-positioning; Leader behavior; Follower behavior; Leadership effectiveness.


姜定宇,2009,華人企業主管知覺部屬效忠。中華心理學刊,第51 卷,第1 期,頁:


Wang, Y. H. (2013). 華人社會文化系絡下領導者與追隨者行為互動類型及搭配組合之研究 [master's thesis, Chung Yuan Christian University]. Airiti Library. https://doi.org/10.6840/CYCU.2013.00030
