  • 學位論文


A Study of Employee Types and Interactions during Organizational Transformation Period— Perspectives of Psychological Positioning Theory and Transactional Analysis

指導教授 : 嚴奇峰


在華人文化脈絡下,人與人際關係對於組織是相當重要的,本研究背景為中華電信股份有限公司自2010年的通路組織轉型過渡期造成組織及成員複雜化。本文以心理定位理論觀點為基礎,透過交流分析之溝通模式,將成員關係類型及其行為導向之溝通模式,分析其互動關係並做詳細的闡述。 本文藉由深度訪談進行資料蒐集,訪談中華電信通路組織之員工,研究範圍為桃園營運處門市成員,針對門市中的中華電信員工、委外人員,及中華電信子公司之宏華人員三種員工類型各訪問4位,共計12位。 研究結果顯示,在一般情境下己方對各象限間行為模式為:(Ⅰ)平常心、順從、命令與照顧;(Ⅱ)平常心、命令指責及不搭理;(Ⅲ)平常心、命令指責、不互動及埋怨;(Ⅳ)平常心、包容及照顧、任性與依賴;在己方有超過專業能力的表現時,各象限中對方的行為表現為:(Ⅰ)讚美及鼓勵、公開表揚、實質獎賞;(Ⅱ)不以為然;(Ⅲ)不予回應;(Ⅳ)崇拜模仿、公開宣揚;己方有失於平常表現或犯錯時,對方的行為表現為:(Ⅰ)包容及鼓勵、對內幫助、對外保護;(Ⅱ)抱怨、貶損;(Ⅲ)暗諷、貶損;(Ⅳ) 包容及鼓勵、對內揶揄、對外包庇。 依據本研究之結論,可透過觀察對方與自己互動的行為,幫助預測及驗證自己在對方心目中的定位,進而展現出合宜的行為,幫助自我提升人際關係之管理。本文提出以下幾點管理意涵,(1)組織內向下管理之建議;(2) 組織內向上管理之建議;(3)組織內平行管理之建議;(4)組織轉型期間人員調整之建議。最後提出本研究之限制及未來研究建議,期望透過本研究之理論架構及觀點,提供華人社會組織管理研究之參考。


In the context of Chinese culture, people and interpersonal relationships are very important for the organization. This study is in the background of the complications among organization and employees in Chunghwa Telecom Co, Ltd. since the organizational transformation of sales divisions in 2010. This article elaborates and analyzes the interactions of employees’ types and their behavior-oriented modes of communication through the perspectives of Psychological Positioning Theory and Transactional Analysis. This article collected informations by in-depth interviews with employees of sales organization of Chunghwa Telecom. The interviewees of this article are the employees of the sale organization in Taoyuan. This article interviews 12 employees, includes 4 employees of Chunghwa Telecom, 4 Outsourcing staffs, and 4 employees of Honghwa International Corporation (the subsidiary of Chunghwa Telecom). The research results show, in common situation, people at each Quadrant (based on Psychological Positioning Theory) generally act with: Ⅰ) normal, conformity, command and caring;Ⅱ) normal, command and criticize, ignore;Ⅲ) normal, command and criticize, no interaction, complain;and Ⅳ) normal, tolerant and caring, willfulness and dependent. When their colleagues’ performances surpass the usual standards of profession, they act with:Ⅰ) praise and encouragement, appreciate recognition in public, essence rewards; Ⅱ) disagree; Ⅲ) no response ; and Ⅳ) worship and imitation, publicize. And when their colleagues make mistakes, they act with Ⅰ) inclusiveness and encourage, helping internally, protecting externally; Ⅱ) complain derogatory; Ⅲ) innuendo, derogatory; and Ⅳ) inclusiveness and encourage, ridicule internally, cover up externally. In conclusion, we can foresee and verify the positionings in someone’s mind and behave appropriately so as to help ourselves to enhance the management of interpersonal relationships by observing their actions and interactions with us. This article presents the following perspectives of management 1) the suggestions of downward-management inside the organization; 2) the suggestions of upward-management inside the organization; 3) the suggestions of parallel-management inside the organization; and 4) the suggestions of personnel adjustments during the organizational transformation period. In the end, this article presents its limitations and gives suggestions for future studies, and provides inspiration for management of organization in the Chinese society through the framework and perspectives of this study.


嚴奇峰、洪贊凱與卓明德,2010年,主管知覺互動不正義、主管不當督導與部屬工作績 效關係之研究─滲滴模型與心理定位理論的觀點,2010年海峽兩岸管理科學與應用研討會論文,中國吉林省。
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