  • 學位論文


The Effect of the Sense of Looming and the Social-Evaluative Feedback on Anticipatory Anxiety in Individuals with Social Anxiety

指導教授 : 梁記雯


研究目的:認知理論假設處在社交情境下,社交焦慮者易將中性、模糊的社交訊息解讀為負向、具威脅,因而相信自己的社交表現最終會遭受他人的負向評價,並且因為害怕受到他人負向評價而引發強烈的焦慮。然而,許多研究發現社交焦慮者也會害怕獲得他人的正向評價,可能的原因是他們會擔憂自己在未來的表現無法達成他人的高期待,或是擔憂因此成為他人社會競爭的對象。因此,害怕評價被認為是社交焦慮的核心特徵。社交焦慮者害怕評價的特徵也可能與個人的認知風格有關。Riskind (1997) 提出迫近認知風格,是指個體會誇大社交或生理威脅從時間、空間軸向快速朝個體靠近的傾向。過去研究指出迫近認知風格可能會調節害怕負向評價與焦慮情緒間的關係。因此,本研究的主要目的在探討用來測量迫近認知風格的中文版迫近不適應風格量表(Looming Maladaptive Style Queationnaire-Chinese Version,LMSQ-C)之因素結構與心理計量特性,並檢驗迫近認知風格對害怕評價及社交焦慮間關係的調節效果;其次,以實驗操弄的方式,探討迫近知覺,以及正、負向評價如何共同影響個體的預期焦慮 研究方法:研究一的研究參與者為448位大學生,於課堂填寫LMSQ-C、情境特質焦慮量表-特質焦慮部分(State Trait Anxiety Inventory- The Trait Anxiety Scale,STAI-T)、社交恐懼量表(Social Phobia Scale,SPS)、社交互動焦慮量表(Social Interaction Anxiety Scale;,SIAS)、簡式害怕負向評價量表(Brief Fear of Negative Evaluation scale,BFNE)、害怕正向評價量表(Fear of Positive Evaluation scale,FPE)、貝克憂鬱量表第二版(Beck Depression Inventory-II,BDI-II)。研究二的研究參與者為87位高社交焦慮的大學生,所有參與者填寫LMSQ-C、STAI-T、SPS、SIAS、BFNE、FPE、BDI-II及李氏社交焦慮量表(Liebowitz Social Anxiety Scale - Self Report,LSAS-SR)後,隨機分派到正向評價高時間迫近(22位)、正向評價低時間迫近(22位)、負向評價高時間迫近(22位)以及負向評價低時間迫近(21位)四種情境中。所有參與者被告知需進行兩次演講作業,且演講過程中將會被攝影及評分,當參與者完成第一次演講作業之後,接著會進行正、負向評價與高、低時間迫近感的操弄,結束後即進行釋疑。參與者在知情同意後、第一次演講作業前、第一次演講後、給予評價後,以及迫近感操弄之後共五個時間點都必須進行焦慮、高興、生氣、憂鬱與威脅五種情緒向度的評估。 研究結果:研究一的結果顯示LMSQ-C以二階二因素模型的適配性及簡約度最佳,模型中包含兩個相關的二階因素(生理迫近與社交迫近),兩個二階因素均各自包含三個一階因素(分別為三個生理迫近相關情景與三個社交迫近相關情景)。LMSQ-C及其社交及生理迫近分量表具有良好的內部一致性,分別為.84、.79和.80,並且間距4週的再測信度分別為.66、.69和.60。在控制憂鬱之後,LMSQ-C、社交迫近及生理迫近分量表都與社交焦慮及一般焦慮有顯著正相關;但反之,在控制社交焦慮或一般焦慮之後,迫近知覺與憂鬱無顯著相關。再者,在控制生理迫近分量表後,社交迫近分量表與社交焦慮及一般焦慮都有顯著相關;但反之,在控制社交迫近分量表後,生理迫近分量表與一般焦慮及社交焦慮都沒有顯著相關。綜合上述結果發現,迫近知覺與焦慮有關,但與憂鬱無關;社交迫近與社交焦慮及一般焦慮都有關,但生理迫近則與一般焦慮及社交焦慮都無關。然而,本研究未發現社交迫近感在害怕正、負向評價對社交焦慮間關係具有調節效果。研究二的結果發現得到正向評價的參與者相較於得到負向評價的參與者,無論是自評或知覺他人評價自己的表現都有較高的分數,同時也預期自己在第二次演講時會有較佳的表現;不過接受高時間迫近與低時間迫近操弄的參與者,在主觀評估的時間迫近感上都沒有明顯差異。本研究結果並未發現社交評價、時間迫近感或是兩者的交互作用對社交焦慮者之焦慮程度有顯著影響。然而,在接受社交評價後,正向評價組的高興情緒顯著增加,而憂鬱情緒顯著降低,此外,正向評價組的威脅感受也顯著低於負向評價組。 結論:LMSQ-C具有良好的心理計量特性。評價、時間迫近感對社交焦慮者焦慮程度沒有顯著影響。正向評價對社交焦慮者的高興情緒有顯著提升,且降低憂鬱情緒。


Objective: Cognitive theory assumes that individuals with social anxiety are inclined to interpret neutral or ambiguous social cues as signs of danger or threat in social situations and possess negative expectations about their social performance. As a result, they experience intense anxiety and fear of being negatively evaluated by others. However, many studies have found individual with social anxiety also feel apprehension about others' positive evaluations. The possible reasons are that they believe their performance in the future won't achieve the high expectations of others or they worry about becoming the target of social competition for others. Therefore, fear of evaluation is considered to be a core feature of social anxiety and may be associated with cognitive style that have been shown by socially anxious individuals. Riskind (1997) has proposed an individual's tendency to exaggerate social or physical threat approaching them through time and space, which was called the looming cognitive style (LCS). Previous studies have indicated that LCS may be acting as a moderator in the relationship between fear of negative evaluation and anxiety. The present study has two main purposes. First, to investigate the factor structure and psychometric properties of the Looming Maladaptive Style Questionnaire-Chinese Version (LMSQ-C), which is used to measure the looming cognitive style and test the moderator role of LCS in the relationship between fear of evaluation and social anxiety. Second, to experimentally examine the effects of sense of looming and social evaluations on anticipatory anxiety in individuals with social anxiety. Method: In the study 1, four hundred and forty-eight undergraduate students participated. They completed the LMSQ-C, Social Interaction Anxiety Scale (SIAS), Social Phobia Scale (SPS), State Trait Anxiety Inventory- The Trait Anxiety Scale (STAI-T), Brief Fear of Negative Evaluation scale (BFNE), Fear of Positive Evaluation scale (FPE) and Beck Depression Inventory-II (BDI-II) during class. In the study 2, eighty-seven high socially anxious undergraduate students participated. After completing the LMSQ-C、STAI-T、SPS、SIAS、BFNE、FPE、BDI-II and Liebowitz Social Anxiety Scale - Self Report (LSAS-SR), participants were randomly assigned to four conditions, including 22 positive social evaluation and high temporal looming, 22 positive social evaluation and low temporal looming, 22 negative social evaluation and high temporal looming, and 21 negative social evaluation and low temporal looming. Participants were instructed that they have to perform a speech task twice and their performance would be rated and videotaped. After completing the first speech task, participants were randomized to receive either a positive or a negative social evaluative feedback and either a high or a low temporal looming manipulation. At the end, participants were debriefed. Participants were asked to rate their current level of feelings of anxiety, happiness, anger, depression, and threatat five time-point: after signing informed consent, before the first speech task, after receiving a social evaluative feedback and after a temporal looming manipulation. Results: The results of the study 1 showed that the second-order two-factor model of the LMSQ-C exhibited a good fit to the data and was more parsimonious then other models with acceptable model fit indices. The second-order two-factor model consists of two correlated second-order factors, the physical looming factor which contains three first-order factors (three physical threat-related senarios) and the social looming factor which contains three first-order factors (three social threat-related senarios). The LMSQ-C showed good internal consistency (full scale, α= .84; physical looming subscale, α= .80; social looming subscale, α= .79). The four-week test-retest coefficient of the LMSQ-C (full scale), physical looming subscale, and social looming subscale is .66, .69, and .60, respectively. The LMSQ-C and the two subscales were significantly positively correlated with social anxiety and general anxiety after controlling for depressionwhereas they wereuncorrelated with depression after controlling for social anxiety or general anxiety. Furthermore, the relationship between social looming and social and general anxiety remained significant when controlling for physical looming. However, the physical looming was no longer correlated with social and general anxiety when controlling for social looming. In conclusion, the sense of looming was related to anxietyrather than depression. Social looming was related to social anxiety and general anxiety whereas physical looming was related to neither social anxiety nor general anxiety. Nevertheless, the moderator role of social looming in the relationship between fear of evaluation and social anxiety was not observed. The results of the study 2 found that participants who received positive social evaluative feedback showed higher scores than those received negative social evaluative feedback on the ratings of their own speech performanceand perceived evaluations from other. They also expected to have better performance in the second speech. However, participants in the high and low temporal looming conditions did not differon the subjective ratings of their sense of temporal looming. The present study failed to observe the effects of social evaluation, temporal looming or their interaction on anticipatory anxiety in socially anxious individuals. However, we found that participants who received positive social evaluative feedbacksshowed significantly increased levels of happiness and decreased levels of depression after receiving social evaluation. In addition, their levels of feelings of threat were significantly lower than those who receive negative social evaluative feedbacks. Conclusions: The LMSQ-C showns good psychometric properties. The present study suggests that anticipatory anxiety was not significantly influenced by social evaluation or temporal looming in socially anxious individuals. Nevertheless, positive evaluations increase happiness and reduce depression in individuals with social anxiety.


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